
Posts filed under: Career Blog

Career Blog

Recently I have been re-reading a book called โ€œItโ€™s Not Your Moneyโ€ย byย Tosha Silver. I first readย โ€œOutrageous Opennessโ€ย by Tosha several years ago and then her bookย โ€œChange Me Prayersโ€ย and knew she was a kindred spirit. Her spiritual approach to life resonates with...
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At our recentย Meetup for Career Women in Tech, we went around and talked about recent challenges we were facing that we might want to tackle as a future topic. One woman raised her hand and said, โ€œI would like help...
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I was at a recent concert of my current favorite new band, The Beths. The concert was at an outdoor street festival in Chicago. My husband and I arrived about 2 hours ahead of the time The Beths were scheduled...
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I was at an event recently at my clientsโ€™ office. My client is doing a lot right when it comes to creating a diverse and inclusive work culture. They call it out on their website, in their job postings and...
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Our house is over 50 years old. We still have the original windows in much of the house, the original garage floor and the original box elder bushes lining our updated patio. The windows rattle with the slightest wind, the...
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At the recent InspiHER Tech meetup for Career Women in Tech we talked about the Imposter Syndrome. Imposter Syndrome, also called Fraud Complex, occurs when a person believes they are inadequate despite all the evidence that they are accomplished, capable...
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Take 5 minutes right now and write down all your top excuses for not changing your circumstances. I am too busy to fill-in-the-blank I do not have enough money I am not smart enough I feel alone My work culture...
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I was coaching a woman in tech, who is what we call a boomerangย in recruiting. She worked for a company, left and then went back. And now she is looking again! As we discussed her situation, I realized that part...
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In business there is always talk about adding value. The term value-add has been used in several industries from finance to manufacturing but the premise is the same. When you take something that already exists (a product, a serviceย orย your role...
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A job search can be tedious. Daunting. Boring. Scary. And necessary! You have made the decision (or maybe someone else made it for you) to find that next great job. You have taken steps to move things forward but you...
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