I often have people on a job search lament the holidays because they believe that companies are not going to move forward on anything until after the first of the year.

Then they decide to put their job search in neutral.

A bit of advice: DON’T DO IT!

Holiday Career Tip: Keep Your Foot On The Gas

5 top reasons to keep your foot on the gas ⛽️ in your job search:

  1.  Your competition is reduced because…everyone else has taken their foot off the gas. With fewer people applying for jobs, the odds of your resume being reviewed just went way up!
  2.  As a recruiter, I still have yet to beat my biggest month of new starts ever. That month is January! In fact, January has often been my biggest month of new starts year over year. This means there was lots of interviewing happening in December.
  3. Companies want to make sure they don’t lose a headcount so getting the job filled by December 31st is a huge motivator for them.
  4. Many people say they feel less anxious interviewing at this time of year. Holiday cheer runs high. Interviews at this time of year have a different feeling because people are in that good holiday mood.  Take advantage of good will and get some interviews going.
  5. If you aren’t getting interviews, don’t turn into the Grinch. Use this time for researching those companies you love or re-connection with past colleagues in preparation for 2020.

Now keep in mind that people are taking time off so there may be more time between interviews. Don’t read into that that they are not interested. Have patience with their process and take responsibility for staying engaged.

Give a gift to yourself this holiday season and keep your foot on the gas.


Let me help you keep the pedal to the metal. Sign up for Your Future Now and let’s get a plan in place to get your job search into high gear.

Holiday Career Tip: Keep Your Foot On The Gas

If you do take a break then use it to go see this movie for some inspiration!

“Ford v Ferrari”: A story of racing rivalry that transcended sport

Holiday Career Tip: Keep Your Foot On The Gas