
Career Alchemy Academy

Career Alchemy Academy
Career Alchemy Academy

A career transformation membership community for
Women Connected to Tech

Led by certified career and life coach, Laurie Swanson

Career Alchemy Academy

Career Alchemy Academy

Starts Oct 2024

Does this sound like you right now?

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At a Career Crossroads

Life can push you off course. Be true to you. Find a career that ignites your passion and aligns with your values. 

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Overwhelmed & Disconnected

Working 10, 12, 14 hour days and wondering why? Silence the noise and connect with your inner widsom. Create a fulfilling career, one that reflects the real you. 

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Stalled Career Growth

On career autopilot? Ditch the daily grind! Start living your career dreams and inject energy and purpose into your work. 

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Fear of Making Career Mistakes

Are you stuck in career regret? Procrastinating on your dreams? Don’t let doubt win. Learn to make confident decisions and create the future you love!

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Invalidated & Undervalued

Too experienced? Not experienced enough? Underpaid and overworked? It’s time to make a change. Find alternatives. Go for what you want with confidenceit’s your time to shine!

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Experiencing Career Burnout

Tired of people-pleasing? Start prioritizing yourself! Learn to set boundaries, reclaim energy, and design a career + life that fuels you.

What if it was easy to…

  • Change jobs
  • Switch careers
  • Trust your intuition to guide you
  • Become your own boss
  • Write that book
  • Create greater prosperity and let go of your scarcity mindset
  • Deliver a TED Talk
  • Become an impactful leader
  • Feel calm, balanced, and spirit-centered
  • Enter the tech industry
  • Exit the tech industry
  • Make decisions with ease and confidence
  • Leverage your current skills and gifts and find the career you love

Sounding good? That’s just the beginning.

Joining Career Alchemy Academy is your first step.

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Surround yourself with women from all parts of the tech ecosystem.

Technologists, tech managers and leaders, software sales, software implementors, designers, quality analysts, project managers, tech founders, tech support, customer experience …

Let’s cross the Career Success Gapâ„¢ together.

A Note from Laurie

Career Alchemy AcademyFeeling stuck in a career that drains you? You’re not alone.  I am Laurie Swanson, a certified career and life coach, TEDx speaker, Cornell-certified DEIB (diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging) expert, AAUW-trained negotiator, and spirit junkie.

Let’s face it, the world doesn’t always support our big work dreams, especially for women. Here are the facts: studies show women are leaving STEM fields at crazy rates, and overall happiness is WAY down.

But there’s good news too! I created Career Alchemy Academy to help you design the work-life you have dreamed about. Forget the title changes, it’s about being the authentic YOU at work (less mask, more flow!), doing work that energizes you, and making a real difference.

Ready to ditch the hustle and find your work-life magic? Join the Academy and you’ll:

  • Become unapologetically you: Smash limiting beliefs and outdated patterns holding you back.
  • Find your career soulmate: Do work that makes you feel ALIVE, not drained.
  • Claim your spiritual gifts: Use your spiritual gifts to get go of the hustle and grind.
  • Build your dream team: Learn alongside amazing women and support each other’s success.
  • Craft a plan that works: We’ll turn your dreams into a step-by-step reality.
  • Finally, prioritize your happiness: Gain the confidence to go after what truly matters.

You are an alchemist! Let’s design your dream work-life together.

Career Alchemy Academy

Career Alchemy Academy is a monthly membership community. We meet online. Join us from anywhere in the world!

What to expect every month as a member of 


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2 LIVE calls per month, all recorded on Zoom. You never miss a thing!


  • First Tuesday 12 noon CT: Topic Discussions on the tangibles and intangibles of your career and life. Money, relationships, confidence, job search, career elevation, time management, leadership, thoughts and emotional management, going after your big dream and more.


  • Third Tuesday 6:30pm CT: Bring your career and life questions and limiting thoughts to our live Q&A and Mindset Method Coaching. Become an expert at managing your mind and your emotions, connecting with your authentic self and taking action on your dreams!
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PLUS: Networking sessions, exclusive events, guest speakers, book/movie discussions & more!



  • The CAA Knowledge Hub: Easy access to all the course materials and recorded calls
  • Private Facebook Page: Receive pep talks, shared wisdom and ongoing support
  • Spirit-Centered Experiences: Access your spiritual superpowers with fun adventures
  • Take Charge Digital Job Search Course:  9 modules and 30+ videos for job search success
  • First notice about Career Alchemy Academy Live and discounts on events.
Career Alchemy Academy
Career Alchemy Academy

Everything we do at Career Alchemy Academy is designed to prepare you for your next move. The one you’ve been putting off. The one that fills you with both fear and excitement.

Your career transformation follows a simple and actionable success path. 

What’s inside the Academy?

We focus on 3 things:

Your tangibles, your intangibles, and taking inspiHER’d action.

Your Tangibles

  • Job Search Tools– resume, LinkedIn Profile, cover letters
  • Networking– when. where. how. why.
  • Career Strategy Planning– your ideal role and how to get there
  • Communication Strategies– effective. transparent. confident.
  • Leadership Development– step into your authentic leadership style
  • Negotiation- what and how to ask for what you want

Your Intangibles:

  • Mindset- working on your limiting thoughts
  • Presence- identifying and managing your energy
  • Agency- trusting your inner authority and wisdom
  • Discernment- become an expert decision-maker
  • Spirit-Centered- creating solutions with ease and fun

InspiHER’d Action:

  • No more waiting
  • Move things forward
  • Experiment for the fun of it
  • Make plans and act on them
  • Evaluate, adjust, and go again
Career Alchemy Academy

Are you ready to create career gold ? 

Creating Career Alchemy Works. Here’s the Proof.

Career Alchemy Academy

The 7 Pillars of Career Alchemy Academy

Pillar 1- The Mindset Method

Working with your thoughts through the Mindset Method, is the foundation of all the work we do in Career Alchemy Academy. Removing thought errors and creating new thoughts, feelings, actions, and outcomes that are more of what we want and less of what we don’t. What to keep. What to evolve. What to let go of.

Pillar 2- Practical and Tactical

You will learn job search and career tactics that build your confidence and clear up confusion.

Things like:

  • What is the best resume for your next move
  • How to improve your LinkedIn profile so people stop
  • How to plan a successful job search that leaves you feeling energized and not stressed out
  • How to interview with confidence
  • How to negotiate powerfully
  • How to talk with your boss about a promotion or raise

Pillar 3- Strategic

Position yourself with a career plan for growth. Become an expert decision-maker and communicator. Develop your personal brand, presence and influence. Build your relationships and your network. step into your leadership persona.

You will Make a Career Strategy Plan, take action and learn: 

  • How to communicate effectively 
  • How to have executive presence no matter what level you are at in your career
  • How to build strong relationships 
  • How to position yourself for the next step
  • How to build your personal brand 
  • How to increase your sphere of influence
  • How to create healthier work/life integration

Pillar 4- Empowerment

Learn the tools to ask for and powerfully negotiate for what you want in your career and life. Create balanced work/life integration. Communicate effectively. Set and keep healthy boundaries. Remove delay tactics and take action. Become comfortable with uncertainty.


  • Intuition! Intuition! Intuition! 
  • Learn top negotiation skills. 
  • Feel confident and certain. 
  • Set better boundaries. 
  • Say the hard things with courage. 
  • Release burnout and imposter syndrome for good. 
  • Time Management expertise.
  • Remove delay tactics and take action.
  • Become comfortable with uncertainty.

Pillar 5 - Prosperity

Clean up limiting money thoughts and behaviors. A scarcity mindset keeps us stuck. When we stop worrying about and trying to control money, we learn to love and attract it instead!


  • What are your thoughts about money.
  • What are your money stories?
  • What is enough? 
  • How can you attract more money without worry and doubt? 
  • Detach from comparing yourself to others and acquiring more things, awards, titles, and money believing then you will feel successful and happy.
  • You have what is required to be prosperous right now. We will figure this out together.

Pillar 6 - Fun and Spirit-centered

Tune into what feels the most like fun. Reconnect with your Body Genius, inner wisdom, and expanded self.  Trust yourself again.


  • Use your intuition to make better career decisions and move your career in the direction you desire … faster. 
  • Reconnect with your Body Genius, your inner wisdom and your expanded self. 
  • Learn how play and rest are your best tools for a career you love. 
  • Remove burnout and get your energetic self back

Pillar 7 - Community

Collaborating, supporting, and sharing with other Women Connected to Tech.

Mindset may be the foundational pillar, but community is the essential one. Along with food, water and shelter we need community to thrive. Without it, we feel lonely. We imagine we have to do the big changes all on our own. We only have our brain, our thoughts and our perspective.

With community, we have many brains, thoughts, and perspectives. We have shared knowledge, resources and support. You will understand yourself and others better.

We craft careers that is more aligned with our authentic selves together.

Career Alchemy Academy
Career Reset v1

The Career you want, wants you!

Who do you want to be 6 months from now?
How do you want to feel?
How will your work reflect your authentic self?

Ditch the regrets and the somedays.
Go after your career dreams.
Say YES to YOU!