
Private Coaching Live

Private Coaching Live

 Confidently create the career that is IDEAL for you! 

Seriously, how did this happen????

You started your career because it was cool, interesting and fun. It fit you. Then, things started going off the rails a bit. What the hey happened? 

Your true self and your career kind of took a break.

Good news: the passion is still inside you.


Tap into your authentic self, overcome career obstacles, learn proven career self-enrichment tools with 1-on-1 coaching from one of the best career and business transformation coaches out there, Laurie Swanson. Reengage with your career again.

Private Coaching Live


Time to lift yourself out of the muck. Doing it alone is hard. Life gets crazy. Bills need to be paid. Work piles up. Self-care is nonexistent.

Then, the worst happens: almighty doubt creeps in and (cue the horror music right before the bad guy shows up) YOU SETTLE.

Then, nothing changes.

Still, you wonder . . .

  • Is this as good as it gets in my career?
  • Am I doing all the right things to be an effective leader?
  • Have I built a stand-out personal brand?
  • How do I become a powerful negotiator on my own behalf? 
  • Am I communicating effectively? 
  • I want to switch careers, but how can I pivot gracefully?
  • How can I make decisions with confidence?
  • Am I capitalizing on all my gifts, abilities, and skills?
True Nature
Private Coaching Live

A million good questions. Laurie is your Transformation Coach.

Through 1-on-1 private coaching, discover what’s holding you back, align with your authentic self and learn proven career-advancing tools and techniques.

Then (cue the 50-piece orchestra victory song), feel the freedom that comes from . . .


  • Creating clarity about where you are going next
  • Feeling confident and certain right here, right now
  • Tapping into your inner leader and developing outer presence
  • Loving the work you are doing, aligned with your authentic self
  • Having a life of ease and fun – no more overscheduling and burnout
  • Reaching your salary goals – negotiating like a pro

Private Coaching.  
Endless Possibilities to Reconnect With Your Career  

Rediscover your Authentic Self – for a career you love. Experience private 1-on-1 career coaching built around you and your amazing future. Laurie meets you where you’re at.  Your investment covers everything (aka no surprises, just results).

What Happens When We Coach Together? – Your priorities are my priorities when we coach together.

Do you want to:

Brush up your resume and LinkedIn profile? Done.

Gain clarity on where you want to go and create a plan to get there? Done.

Build your confidence and leadership presence? Done.

Reconnect with your inner wisdom and strengthen your intuitive skills? Done.

Manage your mind, choosing thoughts that create your desired outcomes? Done.

Coaching with me offers you that safe space to get clear on your dreams. A place where you hold yourself accountable and make excellent use of your time. Where you do the work but not all the heavy lifting. The place that enables you to take action with me alongside you, believing in you.

You are never alone and always supported.


  • Kickoff with a 75-minute Career Strategy planning session
  • Meet for 12 sessions (Two 45-minute calls per month) over 6 months.
  • Emails in between sessions for quick, on-the-spot support as needed
  • Discounts and first alerts for  InspiHER Tech paid events
  • Access to worksheets, tools, templates, and guides to inspiHER you along the way
  • Plus : Your 90-minute iPEC Energy Leadership Index Assessmentâ„¢


Private Coaching Live

Navigating a career in male-dominated fields like tech is not easy – but it can be when you’re clear on who you are and what you stand for.

About Laurie Swanson, founder of InspiHER Tech,  Career Transformation Coach 

I so get you.

I started as a coder after studying technology at the University of Texas. When I realized programming wasn’t what lit me up inside, I followed my intuition and outer guidance and shifted into Technology recruiting and sales. 

Everything changed. I loved connecting people with opportunity! I was excited about work. Life flowed – and so did the money. I served others with my unique gifts. 

I started Laso, my own recruitment and search firm, in 1995. After placing many women in tech-related roles, something wasn’t working for me. I would get off a call with an applicant sometimes and cry. It hit me: in male-dominated fields like tech, women deserved so much more. Then, one day, I told my husband (he just smiled) I was changing things up for something more important: championing women who wanted to pivot in their careers.

Today, I’m CEO and founder of InspiHER Tech. My soul’s mission is to inspire women to love their careers, bring them equal pay and opportunities and give them proven tools for career results.

My big secret: a spiritually-centered approach called True Nature Career Coaching. This works!! And it changes everything!

I am both an iPEC and Martha Beck Certifed Coach, a Certified Passion Test Facilitator, an American Association of University Women (AAUW) Negotiation Coach, and a Cornell University Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion certified expert. Yep! I am an applied learner!

I share my expertise with prestigious organizations like AnitaB.org, Chicago Innovation, Executives’ Club of Chicago, 1871 (recognized by UBI Global as the #1 Private Business Incubator in the world), many media outlets, and Fortune 500 companies.

I’m so happy to have reconnected with my authentic self and can’t wait to help you reconnect to yours!

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