
Posts filed under: Career Blog

Career Blog

I am working with a client on a job search who says she wants a leadership role. She has worked very hard to get where she is today and does not want to lose what she has gained. Totally agree!...
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You may have been asked, or heard someone asked, โ€œIf you could talk to your younger self, what advice would you give them?โ€. This is a fun exercise that helps remind us that what we thought was the worst possible...
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I have a friend who owned a lakehouse with her sibling for years. One day, the sibling decided they wanted to sell the property. They needed their portion of the money immediately. My friend could not afford to give her...
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I was on a call with a coaching client last week. At the end of the call, I wished her a happy 4th and asked how she was planning to celebrate. And she said, โ€œWell, I do not think I...
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Over the last month, I’ve been experiencing low-level vertigo. If you’ve ever had vertigo, you know it’s very disconcerting. It feels like the floor is falling out from under you like you are on a small boat in the middle...
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We often hear about how we should work for a company that is aligned with our values. A company whose mission is something we can get fully behind. Excellent advice for sure. Yet, what we value can feel obvious and...
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I was at a recent webinar and the host had us do a writing exercise that, at first, I thought was just something to get through until we got to the real meat of the webinar. Boy was I wrong....
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I currently have a coaching client who has some big dreams. She also has lots of doubts. She is too old. She does not have the right experience. Her tech background is dated. Her belief is that because of these...
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On a recent call with a coaching client, we got to talking about her job search and preparing for her interviews. There are many things to understand when interviewing. What is the total compensation? What are the benefits? What are...
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I just finished up a Negotiation Strategy Session with a coaching client who was in the midst of changing jobs. She was making $150,000 per year plus a bonus. Her total compensation was $184,000 and did not include any stock...
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