
Posts filed under: Career Blog

Career Blog

I often talk about a career transformation being similar to the transformation a caterpillar has before it becomes a butterfly. It moves through stages. Each stage is essential to it becoming what it is meant to become. I am certain...
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You feel overwhelmed, stuck or maybe hopeless in your career. You find yourself thinking: If only I made more money. If only I had more time to go after that role or certification. If only I was younger. If only...
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You are capable. You are needed. You are a success. You are a happy recipient of exactly what you need right now. You know what to do and how to do it. You are prosperous. You are confident. You make...
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One of my favorite coaching questions to ask a coaching client is one I learned from Martha Beck.ย  โ€œWhat sucks the most for you right now?โ€ This question often gets to the heart of whatโ€™s really going on. No B.S....
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What do I want to do next in my career?ย  With so many choices how do I decide?ย  What if I make a mistake? There is a point in almost everyoneโ€™s career journey that they are ready for something new....
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I’m reading a book recommended by one of my Career Reset clients called Creative Thinkering. This book had me at the intro. The author, Michael Michalko, tells the story of Franz. Franz had spent years as a manager for a...
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How do you feel about secrets? If you are a lover of books and movies like I am then you know that part of the story arc is a conflict or some type of tension. This tension keeps us sitting...
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I read a recent article from Inc. that talked about the fact that starting at about 18 we become less happy until the age of 47.2 when our happiness curve starts to go back in the upwards direction leveling off...
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I recently hosted a workshop, called You in Demand. At the end of the workshop, I opened things up to the audience. I wanted to know what they were feeling about where they were at in their careers. I heard...
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I was thinking recently that I could have had way more career fun, peace, ease and success (on my terms) if I realized some real career Truths, with a capital T, sooner. The Truths that come from my wiser self....
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