
Posts filed under: Career Blog

Career Blog

Given all that has happened in 2020, I know for many of us, 2021 cannot come fast enough.ย  One of the ways I like to mark the end of one year and the start of a New Year is by...
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If you asked me in June if I wanted to sit down and do some goal planning, I would have likely said no. I am so immersed inย doingย that slowing down mid-year to plan feels strange. Then December hits and all...
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I have been making a real shift in my relationship to money over the last few years. When I became certified as a life coach through Martha Beckโ€™s Life Coaching school, ย we spoke a lot about the use of metaphors...
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When I heard Tony Hsieh passed away last week from injuries suffered during a house fire I was saddened. I wanted to re-share this edited blog that I wrote on 2/25/2019 because Tony was not only an admired leader, he...
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I was recently reminded of a story that the famous author Paulo Coelho had on his blog: There was once a businessman who was sitting by the beach in a small Brazilian village. As he sat, he saw a Brazilian...
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I am working on with a coaching client at the beginning of her career. She is struggling with creating a career strategy plan. She is unsure what she wants to do next. She knows she has options, but this does...
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Last night I woke up at 3:30 am. That happens. Sometimes I go right back to sleep.ย  Sometimes I go to the bathroom and then go right back to sleep.ย  Sometimes I read for 20 minutes then fall back to...
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I am not even finished with the bookย Burnout: The Secret of Solving the Stress Cycleย and Iโ€™m already planning it as a topic in the Unstoppable Series for the โ€œITโ€ Community (What? You havenโ€™t joined yet?ย Sign up now. Itโ€™s free yaโ€™ll)....
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Every year for over 20 years a small group of friends and I have been getting together around the Christmas Holiday. I started the tradition after the birth of my first child.ย  I wanted to make sure that, even though...
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I have 3 vision boards. I write my career goals every January and post them on my bulletin board at work. I am a Passion Test Facilitator who works with people on aligning their passions with the work they are...
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