I’m on the phone with a friend as she was driving away from Starbucks. She was trying to convince me to order her new favorite latte. (Chai tea latte with oat milk and 3 pumps brown sugar syrup in case you’re wondering).

Then she says, “But today they were out of oat milk, so I got almond milk instead and it’s sooooo bad!”

I suggested she turn around, go back, and get a coffee that she actually likes.

No She Didn’t?

Then she surprised me and said, “I’m too shy to ask them to redo it.”


This is someone who has played competitive sports and takes no crap.

This made no sense to me.

I told her to set shy aside and go back and get what she wanted.

No She Didn’t…Again!

Then she said something even more alarming.

She said that it was not that big of a deal to have them remake the drink.

She is nice like that.

Nice? How does asking a $6 billion+ company, that you frequent regularly, to remake a coffee so that you paid for something you actually will drink make you not nice?

Time for Some Schooling!

Asking for a new latte is not simply about asking for a new latte.

It’s practice for asking for things when you really want them.

And asking for what you want doesn’t mean you’re not nice!!!

Asking for what you want is simply a question.

The response will be yes, no or maybe.

You will either get a new coffee you love, drink what you have or perhaps get a gift card for a free drink another day.

You don’t know UNLESS YOU ASK!

It might seem like just a new latte today but that could be $5000 or one extra week of vacation at some point in the future.

This is how you build what I like to call your ASK MUSCLE.

So go get yourself a new latte.

Feel free to ask nicely…or not😊.

Make My Paycheck a Venti!

Make My Paycheck a Venti!

The Starbucks Interview Spelling Test

Make My Paycheck a Venti!