There was this commercial when I was a kid from a product called Calgon and their tag line was “Calgon, take me away”.

A woman was sitting in a bubble bath and I figure letting go of her daily tensions, shutting out the world and having a bit of “me” time.

So true.

Have you ever said, “I just want to quit it all?” Sell the house, jump in an RV, and visit all the national parks. Or grab a back pack, head to Europe and hostel your way to adventure.

I know I have.

Sometimes life feels like no fun and just too much.

Sometimes tired is the only word that comes to mind when asked how we are doing.

And then our other, more responsible self steps in and reminds us that the kids can’t raise themselves, that we have a retirement to prepare for and responsibilities and bills and people who count on us.

There Has to Be A Better Way

What do we do if we know that we are not going to chuck it all (at least not this week)?

How do we bring more of that Calgon bubble bath experience into our every day?

Some ideas:

  1. Go to a 4-day work week. As part of my Calgon 🛁 experiment, I just blocked off Fridays on my calendar for the next 6 weeks.  If you don’t believe that your company would allow an actual 4-day work week how about one day a week that is meeting free. One day where no calls/meetings get scheduled. Close your eyes right now and imagine a day a week where you focus on your work without outside interruptions? Yep. That feeling.
  2. Schedule daily mini-vacations 🏝. Block off 5 minutes every hour or so, close your eyes and breathe. Consciously relax. Think of something joyful.
  3. Schedule an actual getaway ✈. In case you did not hear me – GET AWAY! Having something to look forward to helps add more happiness into our present.

PRO TIP: Make sure to give yourself a day or two before you return to work and make part of your GET AWAY a staycation. You can check emails and attend to loose ends that will make going back to work less stressful but mainly you unpack, shop, relive the good Get Away feels and ease your way back into work.

  1. Join Rejuvenation: Springtime. In this small group mini-adventure that kicks off on April 7th, one of the things we talk about is being fully nourished. I know that if you have entertained thoughts of joining the circus 🤸‍♀️🎪 that you are feeling undernourished. I speak from experience here. In Rejuvenation you will be nourished by a 1-hour call every week with other women looking for ways to create more joy in their every day. In spring we plant the seeds of future nourishment.  Who can’t use more of that? We limit this to 10 people so don’t wait. Sign up TODAY.

What tips and ideas have worked for you when you get that “I want to run away” feeling? Post them on our Facebook page.

Is Your Career + Life Just Too Much?


Is Your Career + Life Just Too Much?

Calgon Commercial “Calgon Take Me Away” – 1978

Is Your Career + Life Just Too Much?