After being a high performer since the early days selling tech software and pivoting into entrepreneurship, I noticed my smile was nowhere to be found.

NOWHERE. Something was off, but I didn’t know what.

So I began to volunteer. My community loved me. So did my kid’s school.

I took classes, read books, got certifications, and did LOTS of personal and spiritual growth work.

Then one day I took a step back and realized that there was a pattern.

There were things about my career I still loved. And other parts I was ready to put in the rearview mirror.

There were things I loved about volunteering (all the great people I met), classes I took and books I read (I learned so much about so much) and my personal and spiritual growth work nourished a part of me I did not even know was there.

Then, as I mentioned in another recent blog post, I connected the dots looking backward and realized that all I had been doing had been preparing to be a career coach … with a twist.

A career coach who can advise on all the practical and tactical job search stuff (resumes, LinkedIn, interview prep, negotiation, giving notice…) and the magical stuff too (mindset, thought work, inner wisdom and outer guides, energy frequency you are vibing at and more).

When I realized this, I knew…

My career reset was going to encompass all these seemingly disconnected interests, training, passions, skills, gifts, and abilities.

This led to the creation of the Career Reset program. Because it was clear to me that your career reset is also about pulling together all your interests, skills, training, passions, gifts and abilities together into a powerful, joyful form of service-your next career!

Career Reset is a program that covers the practical and tactical while accessing the magical so that your unique career reset will pull together all the parts of you that may have felt disconnected but really aren’t.

These parts are the magic sauce to your next career.

I can pretty much guarantee you that Career Reset is the only soul-searching, truth-revealing, action-mapping program of its kind.

Join me and a group of women pursuing their Career Reset and manifesting their dream careers in whatever shape that takes. The doors to join will be closing soon. Your career dream will thank you!  Sign up here! 

Bring your past into your future career!

Find Your Career Magic Sauce