If you know me or have been reading my emails these last many years you know I am a huge Voice fan. I love everything about it from the music to the hosts to the contestants going after their dream of being a singer and the overall vibe of the show. I always feel good when I watch the Voice!

This past week one of the contestants said she was having doubts about herself and was questioning whether she should keep going after her dream.

Then she said something amazing.

She said she realized that it was a Me vs. Me Thing.”

She was fighting her own dream. She was considering giving up! She was allowing thoughts to knock down her confidence and introduce self-doubt.

We all do this. It seems almost normal and out of our control. We just are going to doubt ourselves.

We let ourselves get into a Me vs. Me battle.

But we don’t have to get into that ring.

Instead, we can question our thoughts and choose to believe differently.

If you were in our latest Workshop You…In Demand on Your Job Search we talked about our thoughts and how they can adversely impact everything we are doing.

If you did not attend here is a link to the recordings. Take a Listen. There is lots of great info there on how to challenge your thoughts to create better outcomes. Plus so much more! It is a taste of what folks will get when they join my Career Reset program.

We talk about the fact that when we challenge our thoughts and commit to choosing to believe only those thoughts that have us thinking positively about ourselves then we have the courage to go after our dreams.

That is what this young woman did on The Voice. She recognized that it was a ME vs. ME thing. That she had started to believe the self-doubt thoughts.

Then she reminded herself that she was a great singer. She wanted to sing. She deserved to be on the Voice. And now she was there living her dream!

The same is true for you.

You have a dream. I KNOW you do.

You want to go after it, but you wonder if your dream will pay you what you need? You know you want different, but your career dream feels foggy. You question if you have what it takes to actually bring your dream into reality.


You DO have what it takes! You can get clear on your dreams! You can make a living doing what you love!

And I am part of your story. I know that. I am on this planet to help women just like you get clear your dreams, trust your inner wisdom and invisible support to guide you and create practical go-forward plans to realize the dream of your heart.

This is a Me & You & Your Dream thing!

Please join Career Reset!

The last day to sign up for Career Reset is Tuesday, March 21st at 12:00 pm so the deadline is fast approaching. Learn More About Career Reset HERE!

If you have any questions about Career Reset, email me and we will set up a time to chat. [email protected]