I am a volunteer on the Fine and Cultural Arts Commission in my city.

I am co-leading a pop art fire hydrant project in conjunction with an Andy Warhol Portfolios exhibition that will be coming this summer.

I was starting to feel a bit overwhelmed by the whole project. Where was I going to find the time? Would we get 20 sponsors? Would we get 20 Artists?

Then my brain delivered the thought, “This is so hard”.

This was the exact same thought that a woman had in the You … In Demand on Your Job Search workshop had put in chat about her job search. Watch the REPLAY here.

My response to her was, “That is just a thought. What if you instead thought that your job search was easy? How would that change your approach to your job search?”

I had to coach myself now.

I used that same thought. “Wait, what if this was easy?”

That changed everything.

I immediately sent off 3 emails about the event asking for help getting the word out. BAM!

That was easy!

Then, in less than 10 minutes I received an email back from our local Business Association. They are going to send out the info about sponsorship to their business community on Monday! Yep!

That was easy!

Then I sent another quick email to the woman from the workshop thanking her for her thought because that led me to challenge my own limiting thought and I believe has just set up the demand for participation in the fire hydrant project. I did that as a way to acknowledge the evidence that by changing my thoughts I changed my outcomes.

In the Career Reset Group Program, we do lots of things to support a Career Change. Thought work is part of that.

I like to think of this program as having 3 parts: Your Anchor, Your Compass and the Map.

Anchor – We create the foundation that positions you perfectly for what is next. Built off of your gifts, abilities and skills. The anchor that does not let you float too far off course as you navigate a change.

Compass – We build tools to help you orient during your career change. This is where we do the deep dive into thought work, energy work and Spiritual Work.

Map – This is the plan. These are your action steps to move your career dreams forward. Having a dream is just a dream until you take action.

Tuesday, March 21st is the last day to sign up. Here is a link to read more about the program.

If you have questions about Career Reset, email me and we will set up a time to chat. [email protected]

What if you believed that your job search, your career reset, and fulfilling your career dream was easy? Think about that!