I was at an event in downtown Chicago. As I was leaving, the woman behind the front desk saw me and asked if I had parked in the building.

I said I had, and she then said, “Do you want your parking ticket validated?”

That was a heck ya!

If you have ever parked in Chicago, you know that even a small discount makes a difference.

I was excited to save money.

But I also had another surprising feeling.

I felt seen.

This woman could have easily kept her head bent over her work and let me walk on by.

She didn’t.

She had a chance to validate me, and she did. In more ways than one.

Validation Comes in Many Forms 

Money, getting paid, is a form of financial validation and one that often gets our highest focus.

Yet there are other forms of validation that, arguably, can top even money in importance:

  • Compliments – There is nothing like someone complimenting an aspect of who you are or how you show up in the world- it could be your funky glasses or your consistent generosity of spirit. It just feels so darn good.
  • Appreciation – Being offered a simple “ thank you” in a note, during a meeting, or over lunch is like fuel to an engine. You feel reinvigorated and ready to go the distance.
  • Recommendations – Having someone suggest you for a highly-visible project or putting a recommendation on your LinkedIn profile is like the sun coming through the clouds and shining down on you, warming you up all over.
  • Referrals – When someone takes the time to give you a referral it is like they are tooting your horn. It is their way of telling the world that you have something of value to offer.
  • Being Seen – Being recognized by peers, bosses or in your community in a visible way is like a heavy rain to the roots of a tree. It keeps replenishing and nourishing long after the rains have passed.
  • Being Heard – When someone leans into what you are saying, really listening without an agenda, it is one of the greatest gifts you can receive. You feel a greater sense of connection and safety. Trust is built.

As an employee or business owner, beyond your paycheck, which of these forms of validation do you love?

All of them? Me too!

Try This

Given it is the first week in November, the month of gratitude and appreciation, join me in doing a daily validation –  of someone on your team, in your family or in your daily travels. Oh yeah and feel free to validate yourself!

Act Now!

Let’s validate where you’ve been and make a plan on where you want to go. Sign up for True Nature 1-on-1 Personal Coaching and feel good about what’s next.


Career Validation - Get it and Give it