A job search has many moving parts.

It makes sense that you might feel overwhelmed.

It also makes sense that you’d feel anxious or even scared.

Your mind likes to get involved. It hates change and change brings up fear.

You mind will tell you that a job search is hard, that a job search takes lots of time.

Your mind also likes to deliver self-doubt. Do you have the skills? Will someone actually want to hire you?

All these things contribute to many people putting off their job search.

I’m here to tell you that your mind is a terrible master.

It’s time for your heart 💜 to take the lead.

What is your heart telling you?

We’ve entered the fourth quarter of 2021 and now is the time to finish strong.

Follow your heart and make your job search your priority.

Let me help you remove any job search fear and replace it with job search confidence. 

On October 28th we kick off our InspiHER’d Job Search Success Group Program.  

During the pandemic we spent many, many hours putting together a digital course called Take Charge. 

Take Charge is an all encompassing, 9-module digital course that walks you through everything you need to know about having a successful job search.

This is the culmination of the 10,000+ hours in my career that I have been supporting women in tech-related careers navigate successful job searches.

Helping women like you move into a new role that invigorates and negotiating a compensation package they love.

You can buy the Take Charge Digital Course today on our website, go through the modules on your own, at your own pace and you will be happy with all you learned.

Yet I know that when I do digital courses, and I’ve done several, my favorite ones are when there is a combination of video and live group interaction.

I like to have someone that I can ask questions of and other people going through the course with me. We learn from each other and often become friends.

And it’s more fun!

That’s why I decided to create the InspiHER’d Job Search Success Group Program.

It is a four-week group program where you watch 3 of the Take Charge modules each week on your time.  Then we come together as a group and I answer questions about the course plus any other job and career questions we can get to in the hour.

Don’t let fear get in the way of that great new career that’s waiting for you. Sign up today. I’m in! 


Does a Job Search Scare You?