I was talking with a friend recently and she mentioned that her friend had just lost her 3rd job in less than 2 years. For non-covid related reasons. Of course, she was upset that her friend was out of work again. But more than that, she was upset that her friend insisted on going after the same job she had held for the last 3 jobs. The same job she had done for the past 2 decades. She was upset that her friend was afraid to try something new. Yes, she had lots of years of experience in the role. Yes, she could do the job in her sleep. It used to make her feel joyful but now the idea of doing that same job just sapped her energy. She really has no interest in that type of work any longer but she felt stuck and without options. No wonder she keeps losing jobs. When the Universe Speaks…Listen The Universe was sending her signs that she needed to get out of her comfort zone and create something new for herself. Something that made her feel happy again. Easier said than done, especially when you are out of work. This is something I see time and again. Fear and a scarcity mindset lead the job search. People start applying to anything that seems like it would be a fit even if the role is not interesting or challenging to them.  Or they think they will not mind traveling 1 hour or more to work. Yeah, right. Then they end up getting let go or experiencing illness or find themselves overindulging in negative behaviors. All because they went right into action mode instead of giving themselves space to consider a new possibility. First Step to Your Next Career is to Do Nothing If the Universe is sending you signs that it is time for a change, but you are not sure what direction to take next then it’s time to take a few moments to listen. This is not a time to jump into a lot of outward activity. Simply take a few minutes and do some inner work. Pull out a notebook or journal and ask yourself these questions: - If I could be doing any job right now, what would it be?
- If I could learn a new skill what would that be?
- What is breaking my heart right now in the world?
- What sounds like the most fun ever?
- What would I stop doing in my current job if I could?
- What would I do more of in my current job if I could?
Let your answers sink in. Does anything jump out at you? Is there one change you could make today to bring more joy into your career? By doing nothing first you will begin to feel your way into greater clarity and new opportunities will come to meet you. Change is not easy. Having someone to bounce ideas off of and ask advice helps. Sign up for a Career Strategy Session and let’s get you back to your happy place. |