
Rejuvenation: 4 Virtual Mini-Adventures (Do Not Update this Page)

Rejuvenation: 4 Virtual Mini-Adventures (Do Not Update this Page)

Seasons of Rejuvenation

4-week Virtual Mini-Adventures

for Every Season

1 hour per week | master class-style setting | small group support 

4 weeks of small changes lead to big leaps

Rejuvenation: 4 Virtual Mini-Adventures (Do Not Update this Page)

Reconnect with your body

Return to a growth mindset

Restore habits that matter the most

Reimagine fun

Rejuvenation: 4 Virtual Mini-Adventures (Do Not Update this Page)

When you feel rejuvenated, life suddenly opens up.

 Do you feel this way? I know I do. When I’m at my best on the inside, I slay the day. When I feel overworked, overwhelmed and over-committed, I’m meh! 

So, I spoke to my friends and clients. We are all feelin’ the tug to change things up. As in: Reclaim ourselves. Smile more. Adopt healthier habits. Do the things we love. We want more life in our life!

Hands down, I had to create this program. 

Not just for you but, selfishly, for me. 

I am Laurie Swanson, founder of InspiHER Tech and champion of women in tech and tech-related careers (if you are a technologist, lead technologists, work for a tech company, sell tech, recruit techies, support tech or use tech then you are our people!)

As a Life and Career Coach, I’ve helped hundreds of women to create Careers + Lives they love. This is my passion.

Join my 4-week Rejuvenation Mini-Adventure and explore the BEST kinds of reinvigoration designed around you – in a 

close-knit environment of encouragement and fun. Kept small on purpose, there are only 15 spots per session.

Going on a Rejuvenation Mini-Adventure, you’ll get . . .

Tools to:

✔️ Feel more energy

✔️ Have more fun

✔️ Create your best work

✔️ Innovate more and get stuck less

✔️ Hold yourself accountable

✔️ Show up with greater confidence

Plus Live Trainings & Coaching!

  • 4 hours of live trainings with Laurie in an intimate group
  • All sessions are done virtually via Zoom
  • Private Rejuvenation Facebook page
  • Accountability for commitments that feel right for you
  • Journaling prompts
  • Community of Encouragers 
  • Recordings if you miss – so you never miss out!

Massive Value: Laurie’s time + Live coaching + Rejuvenation tools = Over $1,500 value

Sign Up for the next Rejuvenation: Mini-Adventure

Starting Wednesday, June 2, 2021 at Noon CST

Runs for 4 Weeks

Only $147

Why do Rejuvenation each season?

Seasons have their own movement, temperature, beauty, challenges, and pace – and life does too!

Rejuvenation connects you to your best Career + Life with renewed excitement and a different theme for each season. Choose one or all four.

Rejuvenation: 4 Virtual Mini-Adventures (Do Not Update this Page)

Rejuvenation: Wintertime Mini-Adventure

Starts in February

In this season of doing less, we dream more. In Rejuvenation: Wintertime Mini-Adventure, embrace the quiet, the value of hibernation and how to look ahead without missing out on today.

Rejuvenation: 4 Virtual Mini-Adventures (Do Not Update this Page)

Rejuvenation: Springtime Mini-Adventure

Starts in April

In Rejuvenation: Springtime Mini-Adventure, all the things you’ve dreamed about in winter begin to blossom. An awakening stirs inside you. You nurture your mindset and clear out old leaves. Spring’s pop of color delights. The air feels fresh. New energy takes root.

Rejuvenation: 4 Virtual Mini-Adventures (Do Not Update this Page)

Rejuvenation: Summertime Mini-Adventure

Starts in June

Play, movement, adventure, yes! In the Rejuvenation: Summertime Mini-Adventure, we embrace FUN! Seeds of possibility emerge, and you are having fun! Enjoying the sunshine, the concept of play, good friends, movement, and nature.

Rejuvenation: 4 Virtual Mini-Adventures (Do Not Update this Page)

Rejuvenation: Fall Mini-Adventure

Starts in October

In Rejuvenation: Fall Mini-Adventure, the fruits of your labor become real. It’s the start of the school year, you tie up loose ends and wind down from summer. You may shed parts of your story as you prepare for a time of dreaming and closure.

  4 Times A Year |  4 Weeks at a time | All Virtual

 Wednesdays at Noon CT

Just $147 per Mini-Adventure

Rejuvenation: 4 Virtual Mini-Adventures (Do Not Update this Page)

The Rejuvenation:  Mini-Adventures are not about eating plans or weight loss . . . but you might lose weight.

They’re not a detox program . . . yet you might find yourself making cleaner choices.

They’re not an exercise regime . . . yet you might find yourself moving more.

They’re not a spiritual practice . . . yet you might find you are making a more meaningful connection to the universe, your inner spirit and purpose.

They’re not a leadership course . . . yet you might find yourself more confident, more poised for success.

They’re not a time management workshop . . . yet you might find yourself getting more done, leaving more time to do the things you love.

Who are the Rejuvenation: Mini-Adventures tailor-made for?

Career women who . . .

  • Feel tired from getting lots of $h*t done 
  • Are “going through the motions”
  • Feel disconnected from their intuition
  • Want greater clarity
  • Are over-exing: overeating, overusing, overindulging
  • Love the idea of having a community of encouragers
  • Need a nudge to strike a new path
  • Want to live a Career + Life they love

Why Rejuvenation?

The root of Rejuvenate comes from the Latin juvenis, which means the action or process of giving new energy and vigor to something.

In this case, you’re rejuvenating YOU. You matter! 

And having fun Mini-Adventures with others while making positive changes for your health, happiness, and life.

Rejuvenation: 4 Virtual Mini-Adventures (Do Not Update this Page)

What Are People Saying?

“Laurie has done her homework-in research and through life experiences. She shares that knowledge with inspiration and motivation.” 

“I just loved the unpacking of a very specific problem and solution.”

“I learned a technique from today’s Rejuvenation that worked! I now can’t wait to nail a virtual workout video when I’m done with my day. I used to go straight to making dinner and then pretty much collapse. Now, exercise is a priority in my calendar, not something that happens when “the stars align.””

Rejuvenation: 4 Virtual Mini-Adventures (Do Not Update this Page)

Here are all the details for what you can expect when you sign up for a Rejuvenation:  A Mini-Adventure.

You get: Weekly Zoom Calls, Journaling Prompts, Commitments that feel right for you, Group Support and Accountability as needed, a Private Facebook Page

Plus: Recordings if you miss so you never miss out!

“Losing five pounds is a lost cause.”

On Monday, you count calories. By Friday, you convince yourself you deserve a pizza. The whole pizza. Been there, done that! Extremes hurt us more than calories. What does nourishing your body really mean? Eating to feel satisfied, drinking plenty of water, nourishing your mind with books and music, and so much more. Catch a glimmer of wholeness. Starting today, discipline isn’t a dirty word.

“Life is running faster than I am.”

11 million+ pieces of data hit us every minute, but we can only process 40 pieces of data consciously at a time. Hmmmm. Let’s allow our subconscious to drive the conversation, shall we? Learn how to be still with your problem and create a quiet practice. Embrace “the pause” and lighten the heavy burden of chaos.

“I don’t have time to exercise.”

You have the power, sister. Just flip the physical and mindset switch. Power is about movement, overcoming resistance, flexibility, practice and right thinking. It’s not just doing something, but doing it from your core center. Your speech is powerful. Your presence is powerful. Your creativity is powerful. Don’t give your power away, share it and set the world on fire with its brilliance.

“Is getting through the day my highest purpose?”

Life is a bit like triage, so you may not feel in balance 24/7. When you feel whole, there’s peace at your very center. First, though, you must create space and get clear on your Soul’s Mission. Look at what really matters and then make plans. Wholeness is what we will take forward into our future.

Sign Up for Rejuvenation:  A Mini-Adventure

  4 Times A Year  |  4 Weeks at a time | All Virtual

 Wednesdays at Noon CT

Just $147 per Mini-Adventure