I just went and had my annual eye exam.

I’ve had glasses since 5th grade (I didn’t wear them until high school but that’s another story).

This year my eyes have improved!

Both in my ability to see near and my ability to see far away.

This was a total shocker. My eyes are bad ya’ll.  I never thought I would be able to see better but this is happening. I’m on my way to 20/20 vision.

What It Means To Have 20/20 Career Vision!

When you have 20/20 vision things that are 20 feet away look exactly 20 feet away…not 220 feet away like in my case😊.

If you have perfect near-sightedness you can see perfectly what is right in front of you.

If you have perfect far-sightedness things in the distance ahead are also in perfect focus.

If you think about your career from the perspective of having perfect near-sightedness, consider what is happening today…

  • What is in your closeup vision?
  • What are you doing in you work today? Does this bring you joy?
  • Do you feel satisfied and fulfilled?
  • How is your current work environment- do you feel seen and heard?
  • What do you want to keep doing that is part of your current vision?
  • What you are doing today becomes your future.

With your perfect far-sightedness consider what is in your future…

  • What do you need to stop doing today in order to create the future you see for yourself?
  • What do you need to start doing?
  • What does your office environment look like?
  • How do you feel when you begin your work day?

What if you do not have 20/20 career vision? 

Don’t fret. You can add corrective career lenses in the form of a taking a class on something that interests you, going on or a weekend retreat focused just on you or hosting a vision board party with a group of friends.

Check out the Ted Talk below for a cool visioning activity!

Make 2020 the year of having the clarity of 20/20 vision.

How to have 20/20 Career Vision in 2020