In a recent blog I talked about a shoulder injury and how I had an epiphany that perhaps I might be shouldering too much and this might be contributing to my shoulder pain.

I’m not going to say that this is always true, but I can say that once I followed my instructions from the blog, How does your Body Talk To You About Your Career, my shoulder pain significantly improved.

And that got me thinking about pain in general and specifically career pain. 

For example, my first job out of college was with a small software development firm as a computer programmer. I was really excited to have landed my first job but pretty quickly knew it wasn’t the place for me.

I felt invisible. Limited support and no other women programmers had me eating lunch alone most days. It was a painful time for me.

When I got laid off, I was not disappointed.

It was the pain of that first job that gave me clarity. I knew what I did not want and what I did.  I wanted my next job to be more fun! I wanted my career to be connected to technology but not as a heads-down coder. I wanted  to be part of a company where I felt like part of the team and not alone.

And that’s how I got into recruiting, which eventually led to becoming an entrepreneur, and owning my own Recruiting and Career Coaching business. I have never looked back!

What is Your Career Pain? 

If you’ve been considering a job search, now is the time to pay close attention to your career pain.

What is it that is causing you your most dissatisfaction in your job today? What about past jobs?

Was it a certain management style?

Was it the career path and limited training?

Was it the inflexible benefits?

Was it just a sense that you didn’t quite fit in?

Building a career that more closely aligns with your true nature requires that you don’t squander the painful lessons. They point you on the path to your Career Love 🥰🤗.

Are you feeling the pain and ready to make a career change? Sign up for Your Future Now.  Let’s Do This Laurie! 

Find Your Career Passion through Your Career Pain!


Find Your Career Passion through Your Career Pain!

You think you go it bad? 15 Worst Jobs Ever!

Find Your Career Passion through Your Career Pain!