Spread love wherever you go.
Let no one ever come to you
without leaving happier.”

— Mother Teresa

Lovin’ On Your Employees InspiHERs Them!
Lovin’ On Your Employees InspiHERs Them!

It’s the month of love!

Whatever your role in your organization, showing people they belong is a difference maker.

Small kindnesses reach across cubicles and, in the case of remote working, across the miles.

Especially now.

Here are some ideas to help you show the love to your co-workers:

  • Surprise your team with a $20 lunch coupon to use for a lunch date together.
  • Incorporate an Employee Spotlight into a weekly email or newsletter featuring their 5 top favs (categories: movie, game, author, outdoor activity, hobby, school subject, animal, cause, or favorite way to be greeted).
  • Set-up 15-minute calls with the President.
  • “Bring Your Best Idea Lunch” where a problem (think product, customer engagement, or tough goal) is shared ahead of time. People then anonymously submit solutions and vote on the top choices over lunch.
  • Create a clear path to develop women in tech in the first two years of their tenure. Give them a reason to love your company and their career.

The big point: there are many seeds you can sow to show love, kindness and belonging. The fun part is watching them grow!

We all belong!

Lovin’ On Your Employees InspiHERs Them!
CEO | Founder of InspiHER Tech, a Laso Company

Our why: #HireMoreWomenInTech


Lovin’ On Your Employees InspiHERs Them!


Advocate for working moms. In the wake of the pandemic, the invisible workload has skyrocketed for working moms. Girls Who Code CEO and founder Reshma Saujani addresses this with the Marshall Plan for MomsThe initiative calls for President Biden to recognize motherhood as a job with action steps to ease the escalating crisis. Join companies like high profile brands Bumble and Rent the Runway in signing the Marshall Plan for Moms letter and share downloadable images on social.


They are empowered. The Unstoppable Series is a monthly conversation for Women in Tech. Be a part of the InspiHER Tech (“IT”) Community, membership is FREE throughout 2021. It’s a nice perk you can offer your team!

In February, we asked: What makes you feel unstoppable? Here’s what people said:

  • “The more nourished you feel, the more powerful you feel.”
  • “Can’t be a quitter when you work in operations.”
  • “I like to learn and meet new people.”
  • “Ask questions and learn from others. It’s so important  as our work has become siloed.”
  • “Keep asking questions to get to the bottom of things. Brainstorming.”
  • “Feedback! When I get feedback, I feel like my work is recognized and valued and that makes me feel like I can do anything”.

Add this to your company newsletter:


Date:  Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Time:  3:30 to 5:00 p.m.
Location:  Zoom Call, FREE Virtual “IT” Community event

Featuring Heather Bennett, author of Fun and Fulfilling Careers One Question at a Time: A Step-by-Step Guide to Thriving in Your Personal and Professional Life

Lovin’ On Your Employees InspiHERs Them!

Social Media for Good. Is your company’s social media following women in tech leaders on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Medium? If you’re not sure who to follow, ask Women in Tech working in your organization for people they admire and the hashtags important to them.
You are a difference-maker in your organization.
Who you hire, how you hire, and the culture
of inclusion and equity you create become a
salve to the world’s wounds and InspiHER’s joy.

Lovin’ On Your Employees InspiHERs Them!

The crew behind Belong went GAGA over Swag.com.  One click sends a little love when you want to make a big impression.  Surprise Women in Tech working remotely with a branded web camera cover,
pop socket or tech taco for her charger cord.  Toss in a printed card with your company values and mission statement, plus a thank you note.  Who doesn’t like free swag + feeling appreciated?????


Lovin’ On Your Employees InspiHERs Them!
Lovin’ On Your Employees InspiHERs Them!
Lovin’ On Your Employees InspiHERs Them!
Lovin’ On Your Employees InspiHERs Them!