“Create the kind of workplace and company culture that will attract great talent. If you hire brilliant people, they will make work feel more like play.”

Richard Branson, Business Magnate

Attracting Talent When You’re Not Google/Apple
Attracting Talent When You’re Not Google/AppleIt’s easy to feel a little enterprise envy when you’re a small or midsize business. Big companies use BIG bucks to attract talent. They hire Chief Diversity Officers. They invest in studies and panel discussions and . . .

Wait one hot second. You’ve got something just as big. As an HR or IT hiring trailblazer, great talent comes by way of sharing your stories – around inclusion, belonging and equity.

Marketing these stories can fill your female tech talent pipeline (critical when there are no open jobs).

Are you using your inclusion and equity efforts in your marketing to differentiate your brand? In this issue of Belong, you’ll learn a few no or low-cost practices when to InspiHER greater inclusion, equity and belonging.

Upshot: You really don’t have to be a Google or Apple to attract great talent.

We all belong,

Attracting Talent When You’re Not Google/Apple
CEO | Founder of InspiHER Tech, a Laso Company

Our why: #HireMoreWomenInTech

Attracting Talent When You’re Not Google/Apple

Fill your pipeline of Women in Tech. Of course, the marketing department’s job is to market your product or service, but when it comes to employer brand marketing, we’re talking about the company, culture and leadership as the “product.” Employer branding includes blogs from team members, social posts and videos showing what you stand for so your talent pipeline is full! Share diversity numbers in the board room, in leadership and within nontraditional roles for females.

Just as marketing’s job is to figure out how to talk to different customer segments, consider messaging for male, female and binary audiences. In male-dominated fields, this brings a new level of belonging to your recruitment marketing.

Try this: Do a Q&A in your newsletter featuring a female technologist talking. Ask her about what it means to work at your company. Readers have daughters and sisters and women they know. This alerts them that a woman they know could be a contender.

If you still think this won’t help you stand apart, think again. Just check out LinkedIn. Scroll down the new posts. Loads of people are selling, but few differentiate their brands through inclusion, equity and belonging practices, which leads us to the next idea . . .


Tell stories. Did you know that facts are 20x more memorable if they’re in a story? “Show, don’t tell” is a classic writer’s mantra. According to Michele Kelly of Corporate storytelling fame K+L Storytellers, go for vivid details, visuals and the power of the human voice to share stories of opportunity within your workplace. In one of K+L’s blogs, it suggests enhancing recruitment efforts by “promoting their unique employee value propositions and cultures.” What stories are relevant to the people in your talent pipeline? What they care about.


Move from words to action for inclusion, equity and belonging. Educate and get buy-in from leadership. Invest in a conference. Survey employees on their level of  belonging and why they feel the way they do. Conduct an Inclusive Audit for meetings, job descriptions and job ads. No matter what size company you are, you can make your company memorable for job seekers – even when you’re not a Silicon Valley wunderkind.


Perspective. Judith Williams, Global Head of People Sustainability & Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer at SAP, comments in “8 Expert Tips for Fostering Equity in the Workplace,”“It’s when you actually get diversity in your organization – a mix of gender, a mix of generation, a mix of cultural background – that you begin to ask the fundamental questions about: ‘Are we inclusive?’, ‘Are we being equitable?’, ‘Do people feel like they belong?’, and ‘Can everyone bring their best selves to work?’”


Tech @ Work. Let’s talk turkey. Keeping teams engaged, motivated and productive feels like herding cats sometimes. Busy work shifts focus from core responsibilities, slowing people and innovation down. Journyz is the all-in-one digital platform that brings together team’s daily processes and communication in fun and easy-to-execute playbooks for “Act As One” momentum.
You are a difference-maker in your organization.
Who you hire, how you hire, and the culture of inclusion and equity you create become a
salve to the world’s wounds and InspiHER’s joy.



Attracting Talent When You’re Not Google/Apple


Attracting Talent When You’re Not Google/Apple


  • Combined, Black and Latinx employees represented 3% to 5% of employees at the 23 highest-grossing tech companies, according to a 2016 analysis by the Kapor Center for Social Impact.
  • “…women remained significantly outnumbered in entry-level management at the beginning of 2020—they held just 38% of manager-level positions, while men held 62%.”  McKinsey & Co.
  • A 2017 poll in the Pew Research Center report found that 50% of women said they had experienced gender discrimination at work, while only 19% of men said the same. CIO