With Shelter at Home being extended through at least April 30th we are all having to adjust in ways big and small. A transformation is taking place.

Like a caterpillar on its way to becoming a butterfly, we are in a cocoon, literally!

A caterpillar is born, nourishes itself to get ready for its next journey of joyously becoming a butterfly.

One key factor in the transformation process that I consider a form of magic is is that the DNA remains constant from when the caterpillar is an egg to a caterpillar and finally a butterfly.


From Crawling to Flight

It is under environmental and hormonal influences that the caterpillar’s transformation occurs.

Not unlike what is happening for us right now.

In this process, the caterpillar splits open, wraps itself in its own skin, breaks down, rebuilds and breaks out.

It emerges from the cocoon of protection becoming something that appears completely different yet has not changed its’ core structure.

Like the caterpillar that becomes a butterfly, your core structure does not have to change for you to transform during these most unlikely times.

Why is Now the Right Time?

I know we could easily come up with a list of all the reasons why now is NOT the right time for a career transformation.

Instead, let’s look at how NOW could be the exact right time for you to transform your career.

7 Ways to Transform Your Career Now

1. Have a Dream: When was the last time you looked at your career aspirations and fully claimed them. It is easy to do what is right in front of us and lose sight of what we want for ourselves. This reflection may lead you to the realization that you are ready for a change and now is the time to prepare.

2. Put on Your Leader Hat: You have a real opportunity to step into a new version of yourself at work. Look around and find something you can take the lead on and show your boss, peers and others in the organization what you have to offer. That job you covet-take on some of that work.

3. Become a Helper: Help your team through their overwhelm. Align them with short-term commitments. This helps to stabilize their days and helps them be more productive.
What does your boss need right now? Is there a way to shoulder some of the burden? Be kind. Be generous.

4. Be the Solution: What can you and your team do to better work together? What can you and your team do to better collaborate and stay connected?

5. Become the Obvious Choice: Think of ways to set yourself up for that next role. Where can you chip in? Is there something that, if moved forward now, will create a positive outcome for the company once all of this is behind us? Be the person connected to that outcome. Show your stuff!

6. Be a Long-Term Thinker in a Short-Term Crisis: What trainings can you and your team do right now that sets you up for long-term success? Can you work on a post-COVID event that will realign the company and create a feeling of unity?

7. Think Strategically: Now could be the perfect time to find a mentor who can become a sponsor or connect you to that person who can open future doors for you. Working remotely can take it’s toll so giving people a way to help you has a real chance of helping them too.

We already have everything we need to transform ourselves, our careers, our lives and our world into something strong, beautiful and capable of more than we had ever imagined possible.

One way you can be a helper: Let us know how you are transforming your career and your life as a Women in Tech.

Email me at [email protected] or post on our Facebook page (LINK).

Why Now Is THE Time for Career Transformation