Myth Buster About Career Motivation

Every Thursday morning you will find me in the pool at my local health club co-leading a deep water running fitness class. 👙

Today one of the class members said that I was going to lead the class on my own because my co-leader was tired and almost didn’t come.

That was fine. We could each easily lead the class on our own. No problem.

As I got out the equipment, I heard my co-leader say, “OK everyone, start warming up. 6 laps of bicycle”.

I thought, “There she is!”

I knew that because she had shown up to class she was going to help lead.

That’s how it works.

Busting the Career Myth of Motivation

Once we have decided to do a career pivot lots of action steps start to line up:

· We build our career vision plan

· We hire a coach (or join Career Alchemy Academy waitlist 🤗)

· We update our resume and LinkedIn profile

· We start reaching out to past colleagues alerting them to our search

· We attend networking events

Our energy is up‼ ⬆️ Our enthusiasm is high! 🔥

Then we have a bad night’s sleep.

Something we ate gave us a bit of an upset stomach.

We had a dust-up with our kid.

Our dog is sick and that makes us sad.

We just aren’t “feeling it”. 🙁

Here is the truth about “feeling it”.

You can get so much done even when you do not feel like it.

You can have a stellar interview even when you are under the weather.

You can connect authentically with people at a networking event even when your energy is at 80%.

We think that we have to have our “A” game on when we interview, network, or give a presentation. That is just not true.

You simply have to adjust your thoughts to a belief in yourself and your ability to create a positive result no matter the circumstances.

As I was getting out of the pool my co-leader said to me, “I got no sleep last night. I almost didn’t come. I finally decided I would come even though I was 20 minutes behind schedule. I told everyone I did not have it in me to lead. Yet, as soon as I got in the water, I was glad I came. I had the energy I needed to help lead and felt so much better afterward!”

Tip: Just show up!

Have you been waiting to feel less stressed, more energized, less overwhelmed before we talk? You do not have to wait to feel 100% in order to make positive changes in your career.

You can start now! Schedule a call today!