I am coming up on my sobriety anniversary on the Monday after Super Bowl Sunday. This year that would be Monday, February 12th.

If you have ever tried to change a bad habit, especially one as insidious as addiction, you know that you don’t wake up one morning and decide to quit doing the harmful behavior and you are magically sober or a non-smoker or never gamble again or stop eating processed foods.

There are all kinds of actions that come before the final blow of the ax that knocks down the addiction tree.

You read books. You go to support groups. You get a therapist. You change where you hang out and who you hang out with. You go on retreats. You try to quit on your own. You try to quit again. And again. And again.

You learn about yourself.

You learn from others.

And, if you are anything like me, you post uplifting quotes to help you stay on track and keep you inspiHER’d when you are feeling like you will never succeed.

One of my all-time favorite inspirations was told to me by a fellow sober friend.

They reminded me, at my lowest point, that I never had to feel that way again.

I only had to make a different choice. I had to change just one thing I did that had me in my addiction.

When I changed that I changed everything.

Believing that it was in my control to never feel how I was feeling again was a game-changer for me.

And this advice totally works for your career as well!

You Never Have to Feel Like This in Your Career Again!

If you are in a career or job that is draining you and has you feeling like you are waking up with your worst hangover ever remember that you never have to feel frustrated, drained or hungover again.

You just need to believe that is true and then change one thing. And remember:

  • Change will take a bit of courage and commitment.
  • You may have to find a new group of work friends.
  • You may have to adjust your work routine.
  • You may have to spend nights with Netflix turned off as you apply for jobs and reconnect with your network.
  • You will need to let go of those limiting beliefs that you can’t have the career you love.
  • You have to set imposter syndrome aside and believe in this one change.

And, the good news, you do not have to go through this change alone.

Schedule a call to talk about coaching so you never have to feel how you are feeling right now EVER AGAIN! SIGN UP HERE.

Best Career Advice I Ever Got Was Actually How I Got Sober