If you have ever seen the movie Steel Magnolias you may remember the line from Olympia Dukakis when she says to Shirley MacLaine, “Ouiser, you know I love you more than my luggage.” It is a testament to the power of friendship.

And there is some pretty great luggage out there these days. I see people posting on social as they stand at the airport ready to travel. And, I’m not going to lie, I have a bit of luggage envy. I have great luggage, but it is basic black. Hence the envy.

Luggage versus Baggage

What is not enviable was when, in a recent coaching call, my client said she wanted to talk about her relationship with her boss. It was not going well.

So I listened as she described what was going on. She was frustrated and confused. She was considering quitting.

Then I said something that I knew she might not want to hear but needed to be said, “You remember you told me a similar story about your previous boss, right?”  

The issue was less about her boss and more about her baggage. 

She carried her limiting thoughts about her previous boss into her current situation and now was recreating the same problems.

It is very difficult to change your actions and create better outcomes if you are coming at them with the same limiting thoughts.

What you do not resolve will put pack itself up and come with you wherever you go.

And then you wonder why you have lost your career drive. Why you have been feeling less than excited about starting a job search, making any career change or planning a new career dream because why bother?

You just don’t have it in you. The baggage is so heavy.

No worries! I got you. 

In my upcoming webinar, Getting Your Career Drive Back, I give you 4 simple steps that will transform your less-than-ideal work situations and relationships.

If you want to feel the thrill of having career drive,  then join me for my FREE LIVE webinar on Thursday, February 9th at 11:30 am. Sign up here. 


I Love Your Luggage but Your Career Baggage Has To GO!