I am down with Covid and my brain is not clicking on all cylinders so instead of the normal blog I wanted to invite you to take part in a fun year-end exercise. You will not only reflect on all the great things, but you will also appreciate the gold in the not-so-great-things from 2021 and then set intentions for what you want to create in 2022.

2021 Reflections and 2022 Intentions Exercise


This document is a mash-up of things others have done (like Marie Forleo’s great question “Wouldn’t it be cool if…”) and things I have tried that work well for me. You can make your dreams as specific and measurable as you would like…or just detach from the “hows” and put down a great big dream for 2022 without judging why it is not possible.

Let’s end 2021 with compassion and gratitude and make 2022 the year that we powerfully create all we have been yearning for in our hearts.

Another great way to set your intention is to join us for our January 12th Unstoppable event. We will be talking about the book, The Big Leap. It’s Free. Count Me In! 

2021 Reflections and 2022 Intentions