My very first friend passed away this week. Her parents and my parents lived in the same apartment complex since when we were both born until we were 4 when we moved to Michigan and they moved to Central Illinois.

Our connection did not end there. Our parents kept in touch even though we lived hours apart. We would often visit each other for long weekends.

The two of us would sing the Beatles at the top of our lungs, play kickball and SPUD in the backyard, walk downtown and just hang out.

At one point, for several years, both families had property at Woodhaven Lakes, a campground in Illinois. It was a great place to go to for the weekend and camp, swim, collect and burn sticks and just have good, old-fashioned outdoor fun.

As we both got older, I would visit her at her college, and she was in my wedding. We did not see each other often in the last many years but we stayed in touch with cards and flowers on birthdays, phone calls and through Facebook.

When we talked on the phone my friend would love to reminisce about the good old days. She never failed to tell me a story of one my crazy ideas that I would rope her into.

Building the Ask Muscle 💪 Started Young

One I remember she would tell was when we were at Woodhaven Lakes. Every week or so a truck would come to refill the pop machines near our campsite. I always wanted a soda pop but never had any money. We were only 10.

Not having money did not stop me. I wanted a pop, and I was going to get one. I would make my friend come with me even though she would balk.

We went up to the guy filling the machines and I would tell him we wanted an Orange Crush. Then I would say that we did not have any money but would he give us one anyhow?

He always said yes.  My friend was always amazed.

When she would recite this story, she would say something like “You were so brave. You went for what you wanted and weren’t afraid”.

I had forgotten about this story until she reminded me and then I could remember it clear as day.

And I could feel my bravado. Even at a young age I was building my ASK muscle.

In Honor of Friendship

To have someone who knew you when you were young and is still in your life today is such a gift. I will forever remember my friend’s bright smile, passion for music, artistic gifts, and love of the color yellow.

She had a strong faith. And, to my chagrin, she never met a dog she did not want to bring home.

I will never forget that she saw me as someone brave and capable. She knew my gifts and reminded me of them when I would forget.  I can only hope that I did the same for her.

TRY THIS: In honor of old friends everywhere, this week, call a friend and remind them of their Superpowers.

Are  you ready to use your Superpowers and Build Your Ask Muscle?  Sign up for a Negotiation Strategy Session HERE.

A Friend’s Death and Career Negotiation
A Friend’s Death and Career Negotiation

Sesame Street: What is a friend?

A Friend’s Death and Career Negotiation