We just completed Week 4 of the current Rejuvenation: A 6-Week Mini Adventure. (ALERT: the next mini-adventure starts on March 3rd. and you do not want to miss it! Details HERE).

In week 4 we talk about Mission.

For many, the idea of a mission or purpose in life can seem HUGE and hard to nail down yet, what we found in Rejuvenation is that, in fact, your mission ain’t no big thang!

A mission is made up all those big and small moments that bring you joy every day. The things you can look back on at the end of the day and feel gratitude towards. Stack one joyful moment on top of another and you are living your Career + Life mission.

Feeling Joy is Easier Said Than Done

I was listening to a Super Soul Sunday recently with Brené Brown and Oprah Winfrey.

Brené said something that I know well.

She said we dress rehearse tragedy so we can beat vulnerability to the punch. And when we lose our tolerance for vulnerability then we have to forebode joy.

Essentially,  we don’t want to feel pain, so we better not feel joy.

Yet missing out on those moments where we are feeling joy means we are missing out on opportunities to live from the core of who we are.

Living from our core  is our Career + Life mission.

How Do I Feel More Joy In My Work?

Brené said that in her research there was not one person who talks about joy without talking about gratitude.  This week try this:

Take time to spot your joyful moments at work. Write them down.
Find places where you are grateful for the work you are doing.  Note them by saying “I’m grateful for…”
What percent of your day at work were you feeling joyful or grateful?
Repeat these actions everyday for a week.
Now that you are aware of what brings you joy and gratitude at work, it is time to empty your career of things that do not feel like joy and create space for those things that do.

Set an intention to have a career filled with joyful and grateful moments as much as possible everyday.

The more you keep adding joy and gratitude to your day,  the more your Career + Life mission is being realized.

Your Career Mission is to Follow Joy!


Your Career Mission is to Follow Joy!


Dr. Brené Brown on Joy: It’s Terrifying

SuperSoul Sunday | Oprah Winfrey Network

Your Career Mission is to Follow Joy!