Change and chaos is the norm right now.

I donโ€™t know exactly how to help.

I have not walked in the shoes of a person of color.ย  Though I have beenย diminished, abused and afraid, I know itโ€™s not the same.ย  My experience is occasional, not all the time.ย  I canโ€™t know what it is like to live the experience of a person of color.

What I do know is that I want to do whatever I can to help create a world where we end racism and live together in respect, equality and inclusion.

We have been looking forward to telling people about a new digital product we are very close to completing calledย Take Charge.

Take Chargeย helps women in tech get hired faster, make more money and enjoy their 9-to-5. It taps into my private playbook of career expertise and job search prowess giving practical advice, downloadable templates and easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions on how to land a great job from:

  • Creating a powerful resume and LinkedIn profile
  • Shifting to a Success Mindset
  • Nailing the interview
  • Building powerful negotiating skills
  • Learning how recruiters use LinkedIn to find you

Everything will be there,ย all in one place.

Today, I am announcing that I will be donating a portion of the proceeds of the sales of my new Digital Course in 2020 to 2 organizations:ย ย ย 

  • NAACPโ€™s Legal Defense and Educational Fundย who uses litigation, advocacy, and public education to work towards racial justice and equality for all Americans
  • Black Girls CODEย who reachย out to the community through workshops and after school programs, Introducingย computer coding lessons to young girls from underrepresented communities

I announce, not for kudos or to feel good about myself but, because giving to organizations fighting a fight I donโ€™t fully understand is the right thing to do.

I will also speak up for the marginalized in meetings, at events and in my friends circle by calling out racism, sexism, unkindness, etc.

It seems the way to peace may be through chaos and destruction and I am willing to do whatever it takes to have an equitable and safe world for all.



Peace out of Chaos


Peace out of Chaos


A prosecutor’s vision for a better justice system | Adam Foss

Peace out of Chaos