Today’s blog is interactive. I am looking for participation.  At the end, you get a chance to help other women by offering up your career wisdom. Mentoring made easy!

For the last several weeks, I have been taking an informal survey.

I have been asking corporate women with careers in technology the following question:

If you could have done one thing differently in your career what would it be? 

This was not asked because I was looking for regrets. I believe all things inform our career and have occurred for our good.

What I was asking for was well-earned wisdom. That wisdom that comes with having walked down a road learning thing along the way.

Here are some of the responses. Do any of these resonate with you?

  • Taken my job/career plan more seriously at the beginning of my career
  • Asked for more money along the way
  • Spent less time building consensus and more time building product
  • Built stronger business acumen
  • Understood sooner how to tie my job to the ROI/bottom line
  • Understand how to better manage business relationships
  • Better understand how to navigate and figure out my options during corporate change
  • Been better at looking for new career/learning opportunities within the organization
  • Been better at building relationships both in and out of the company
  • Taken advantage of training opportunities offered making sure to carve out the time to do so
  • Kept up on my LinkedIn profile
  • Asked for help/gotten a mentor sooner
  • Not quit school to follow the money at the beginning of my career

Your advice could help a young woman who is just at the start of their career in tech make a different choice or, at the very least, help women at any point in their career be more thoughtful about their options as they move forward.


Cut and paste one thing from this list into our Facebook group or add one of your own thoughts on what you wish you had done differently.


13 Things Women Wish They Had Done Differently In Their Tech Careers