I’m not a church-going gal but I am a faith gal. Being an entrepreneur pretty much requires that you need to have faith…trust…that things are going to work out to your benefit.

The same is true when you are considering making a change in your career-join a new company, apply to a bigger role, decide to go part-time, start that side hustle of your dreams.

All feel scary and require that leap of faith to move forward in spite of your fears.

Now That Woman Had Faith

Recently my dad gave me a necklace owned by my great-grandmother Salome, “Loma”, Swanson.

My grandfather, her son and a man of few words, once said I reminded him of his mother.

This gave this necklace extra special meaning to me.

Loma was a true pioneer AND an entrepreneur. She lived in the upper peninsula of Michigan married to a lumberjack in the late 1800’s before moving to Dowagiac, Michigan and opening up her own beauty salon in the 1920’s.

Do You Have Career Faith?

But this isn’t a story about her but about her necklace.

The necklace is a glass ball with a silver band running like the equator around it.

In the center is a very small seed.

A mustard seed.

Though I’m not a church goer I have heard the phrase from the Bible that talks about having the faith of the mustard seed.


As I looked at this necklace I realized that, though everything may not be in full launch with my business yet, just as everything might not be exactly where you want it to be in your career, if you have faith the size of this mustard seed then you can be at peace trusting that all is well.

And a mustard seed is VERY small.

Even I can have that much faith that things are moving in the right direction.

Faith is Your Future Built Out of Your Past

Faith may be about fulfilling future desires but you build your faith by looking to your past. You can find faith but looking at things that have happened in your past that were unexpected miracles. And then making a decision to rely on this past evidence as future confirmation.

Try This:

Write down 5 miracles that have occurred in your life up to today. Consider:

  • The time when just the right person entered your life
  • When you were in the right place at the right time
  • That decision not to do something that would have been a disaster if you had pursued it
  • That thing you were not sure about but something said “go for it” and you have never regretted it
  • When something you’d been struggling with resolved itself
  • The birth of a child or the love of a pet.

Remember that your faith, the smallest bit, ignites these sorts of miracles and more.

Do you have the faith of the mustard seed that your career will move in the right direction?  Maybe a career strategy session might help. Schedule one today.

Sign Up for an Appointment NOW!


Do You Have Career Faith?