If you were to take a peek at my calendar, you’d notice a recurring event at 5:30 PM titled “Evaluate my day.” It’s not just a reminder—it’s a ritual that has become a cornerstone of my success and the success of my clients.

This daily practice, I’ve named the Career Retro Process™ with a nod to the Agile Retrospective, is one of the first tools I teach because I genuinely believe that it, alongside the Mindset Method™ (a.k.a. thought work), is the key to creating whatever you say you want.

Yes, that’s a bold statement—you can create whatever you say you want. But I stand by it, because the evidence is there.

When you commit to regularly using the Career Retro Process™, you will:

  • Act with certainty and confidence
  • Stop second-guessing yourself
  • Visualize clearly your next action steps and options
  • Powerfully shape your future
  • Feel more calm
  • Communicate effectively
  • Earn more money (Yep. Certainty, Clarity, and Calm = $$$$$$$)
  • Put more free time on your calendar
  • Find greater self-fulfillment
  • Create greater alignment with the work you enjoy
  • Peacefully respond to stress and uncertainty
  • Unapologetically show the world the real you

When to use the 3-step Career Retro Process

I have talked in the past about using the Career Retro Process™ as a way to create big goals for yourself instead of setting your typical New Year’s resolution. Today, I want to delve deeper into how making this process a part of your daily routine can be even more transformative.

If you are on a job search you can use the Career Retro Process™ to evaluate after every interview, networking event, or negotiation.

In your career, you can use the Career Retro Process™ after every presentation, conference attendance, customer interaction, meeting with your boss or team, during negotiations, after you complete a big project, or, like I do, simply to evaluate your day.

The 3-step process is simple and effective. The hardest part is committing to taking 5-10 minutes out of your day to evaluate a situation.

What I can tell you from experience is that the more you encourage yourself to make the time the more you do not need to encourage yourself because the value of doing it far outweighs the time you spend.

The 3-step Career Retro Process™

Step 1: Ask yourself, “What went well in that (interview, interaction, project…)?” Let your mind have at it. Write down everything you can think of that had you feeling good, proud, and satisfied. Every little thing counts. This is the stuff you want to keep doing.

Step 2: Now ask yourself, “What did not go well?” Do the same thing. What was not expected, was uncomfortable or felt awkward. Where did you let a moment pass when you could have spoken up? Where did you fail to listen to your instincts? Where could you have used more preparation? Write it all down.

Step 3: Finally, ask yourself, “What did I learn and what will I do differently going forward?” This is where the gold lies.

Our brains have a natural tendency to focus on our mistakes. By beginning the Career Retro Process™ with what went well, you rewire your brain to recognize and build on your strengths.

Over time, especially as you use this process for similar events like interviews or conversations, you’ll notice that your list of successes grows longer while

your list of what did not go well shrinks.

You’ll start to see tangible progress and realize all the benefits I mentioned earlier and this feels fantastic.

You’ll walk into new situations with the confidence that you’ll evaluate and learn from whatever happens, becoming a better software engineer, project manager, leader, or communicator because of it. You’ll no longer be weighed down by shame, guilt, or remorse. Instead, you’ll feel empowered, peaceful, and free.

You will no longer “should” on yourself.

By dedicating just a few minutes each day to evaluate your experiences, you unlock the door to consistent growth, deeper self-awareness, and unparalleled success. Embrace this practice, and watch as you not only achieve what you say you want but also exceed your expectations. The real you is ready to shine—calmly, unapologetically, and powerfully.

Stay inspiHER’d,

The Secret to Unlocking Career and Job Search Success: Follow this 3-Step Career Retro Process™ And Transform Your Career

P.S. In Career Alchemy Academy you will bring your worst experiences and we will evaluate them for the gold that is there. You will step into your most powerful self. Get on the waitlist TODAY.