Are You Ready to Make 50% MORE in Your Career?

You will need to think and feel differently!

Question: What could you do with 50% more money?

I want to do a role play with me.

Say you’re making $100,000 and you are considering a job that would increase your salary to $150,000, what is the first thought that comes to mind?

Probably something like, โ€œBring it on! I could put more way into my retirement fund. I could plan for a bigger family vacation. I could put more way into the kidsโ€™ college fund. I could donate more money to causes I believe in and make a bigger impact. I could renovate my kitchen. I would worry less. I would feel more secure. Time for a lifestyle upgrade!โ€


That would feel great โ€ฆ for about 15 minutes and then those sneaky thoughts that fly just under the radar of our consciousness begin to lay a foundation of staying put.

These are the thoughts that keep us underearning and undervaluing ourselves.

The biggest one:

Iโ€™d love to make 50% more but what will I have to do to make that happen?


That thought leads us to all kinds of assumptions like:


ยท That’ll mean I’ve got to work more hours.

ยท That’ll mean I’m going to have to be more visible.

ยท That’ll mean I’ll be earning more than my partner. What will they think?

ยท That’ll mean I’m going to have to figure out the logistics that go along with making more money like tax implications.

ยท Thatโ€™ll mean I have to fully believe that I’m worth 50% more and I’m not sure I do.

ยท Thatโ€™ll mean I am going to have to ask my current company to pay me more or begin a job search to negotiate the increase. Iโ€™m not sure I am up for that.


And on and on. Feel free to add your own limiting thoughts to this list. I know they are there.

How do we stop underearning and undervaluing ourselves in our career?


The truth is that we can hold both excitement and dread in our bodies at the same time.

The idea of making more money has us feeling excited and is something that we want, but underneath it, we have all these other thoughts that keep us underearning and undervaluing ourselves.

What do we need to feel in order to believe we can earn 50% more?

What do we have to think in order to believe we can make 50% more?

In this role play, I want to focus on 3 alternate feelings:


Feeling confident.

Feeling clear.

Feeling supported.


When you feel confident, clear, and supported you are happy to do what is necessary to increase your salary by 50%.

What do you have to think in order to feel clear?


ยท I know what to do and how to do it.

ยท I have good practices in place to keep my inner peace.

ยท I have what is needed for NOW.

ยท My mind is clear. My body is calm.

ยท I can handle feeling uncomfortable.

ยท I learn from my experiences.

ยท I am focused.

ยท I am prepared.


What do you have to think in order to feel supported?


ยท I set strong boundaries that support my path to $50k.

ยท I say NO to things that donโ€™t support my desire.

ยท I say YES to things that do support my desire.

ยท With more support, I do more of what I love and delegate what I donโ€™t.

ยท With more support, I have more time and energy, not less.

ยท I love receiving the benefit of other peopleโ€™s gifts, abilities, and skills.

ยท I hire people to do the things that get in the way of me from making more money.

ยท I have a strong trust in Life, which always supports me to stay in peace.

ยท I believe that the resources I need will be here when I need them.

ยท When I’m clear, support comes to me easily.


And what do I need to think to feel confident?


ยท I am confident.

ยท I can do hard things.

ยท Now is my time.

ยท I already make X dollars. No matter the circumstances, I can always make what I am making today again. Why worry?

ยท I’ve been scared before and here I stand. Ready for whatโ€™s next.

ยท What other people think of me is not my business.

ยท I am perfectly positioned for this moment.

ยท I am in partnership with money.

ยท Money comes to me easily.

ยท I know what to say and how to say it.


If you want to have more time, not less.

If you want to build money reserves.

If you want to make a bigger difference in the world.

If you want to feel secure that you are making the money you deserve.

If you want to claim agency over your income.

If you want to create more opportunities for yourself.

If you want to become the leader of your life.



This week, decide to work on your clarity, confidence, and belief that you are fully supported by choosing a new thought so you can have a different feeling.


When you think and feel more clear, confident, and supported you will believe that earning more money is possible.

Now is the time to stop underearning and undervaluing ourselves.

Because there’s no good reason not to earn more money.

At least not one I can think of so, as my dad says, love green because green things grow.

Itโ€™s time to make more green and watch your life expand.

Are You Ready to Make 50% MORE in Your Career?

Have you been holding yourself back from asking for more money in your career? Letโ€™s get on a call and figure out why. Schedule a call today!