You may think that because you have always worked in corporate America you don’t have the entrepreneurial skills to be your own boss and work for yourself.

But you do! You know so much more than you realize. 

In my many years as a recruiter helping women in tech change jobs, we would often discuss their “transferable or portable skills”. Those skills and abilities they can bring with them when they are looking to make a change out of their current role, switch industries or advance their career.

Mic Drop: This is also true if you want to leave your corporate job and become your own boss.  

Do You Have The Skills It Takes To Become An Entrepreneur?

Here is a checklist of skills you may already have:

  • Strategic thinking
  • Project management
  • Budgeting
  • Planning
  • Delegating
  • Listening
  • Setting and hitting deadlines
  • Organized
  • Manages time well
  • Prioritizes self-care
  • Evaluate and adjusts course as needed
  • Relationship builder/networker
  • Disciplined work habits
  • Problem-solver
  • Solution finder
  • Goes the extra mile
  • Works well with limited resources
  • Boundary Setter
  • Works with consistent effort
  • Guided by values and integrity
  • Growth mindset
  • Faith in self and others
  • Positive attitude
  • Thoughtful risk-taker
  • Not afraid of tech
  • “Sells” ideas
  • Promotes ideas
  • Resilient
  • Creative
  • Curious
  • Excellent written and verbal skills
  • Recognizes and fills in gaps
  • Open to new ideas
  • Unattached to outcomes
  • Can self-regulate emotions, energy and thoughts
  • Trusts and follows instincts/signs/nudges
  • Scared but takes action anyway
  • Enjoy “owning” something
  • Can lead self and/or others with ease
  • Uses gifts, abilities and passions to serve others and themselves

Do You Have What It Takes To Become Your Own Boss 👑?

Assess Your Readiness: 

Step 1: Circle all the skills in the above list that you already have.

Step 2: Count the number of skills you circled.

If you have: 

0-10 You’re Ready To Start! You currently have 25% or less of the ideal skills required to become self-employed… TODAY. DO NOT let this stop you. Accept the fact you will be learning and building as you go. I did it this way. So can you!

11-20 Alrighty then! You have up to 50% of the ideal skills necessary to become your own boss. You can get started on building something of your own today. Set your self-doubt aside and simply get started.

21-40 You’re Ready! What are you waiting for? If not now, when? The world needs more women entrepreneurs. We need YOU!

What you know… 👉 what you’ve accomplished… and 👉 what you bring to the table could realistically translate into 👉 YOU BECOMING YOUR OWN BOSS!

No matter the number of skills you already have in place be it 1 or 40, if you have a burning desire to quit being an employee and become an entrepreneur instead, then consider joining the October 17th cohort of BYOB: Become Your Own Boss

Do you want to discuss how BYOB: Become Your Own Boss  works? Let’s schedule a call today. 


Hey Woman in Tech! You CAN Become Your Own Boss (BYOB) 👑