If you asked me in June if I wanted to sit down and do some goal planning, I would have likely said no. I am so immersed in doing that slowing down mid-year to plan feels strange.

Then December hits and all I can think about is dreaming about what next year could look like and the many things I might want to accomplish.

I recently saw this quote from Vincent Van Gogh and was InspiHERed.

“If you hear a voice within you say you cannot paint,
then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.”

I am feeling that urge to put down on paper those logical “I know I will get them done”  goals as well as visioning about what my heart secretly yearns to do.

Asking myself “What, if I pursued it,  would make my body tingle and my smile widen?”

You may not have had a voice within telling you that you cannot paint yet I know you have heard the whisper that says, “I’ll get to that dream someday” or  “I have no time to do that fun thing right now” or even “It’s too late to think about doing that. I’m too old, too poor, too busy…”

If living through a pandemic has taught me anything it is that life is precious, and it is meant to be fully lived.
That False Evidence Appearing Real, otherwise known as FEAR, is not going to stop me from pursuing even those things that seem crazy or out of reach.

And don’t let it stop you either.

Try This: The Vincent Van Gogh Exercise

 Vincent Van Gogh Your Dreams. Fill in the blanks:
There is a voice within me that is saying I can’t possibly ____________.
Yet, I really want to_____________________. (restate what the voice says is not possible).

3 things I could do today to give life to my secret dream are:

Remember, if the voice says you can’t, know that this is your sign to pick up a brush and paint!

Vincent Van Gogh Your Career in 2021


Vincent Van Gogh Your Career in 2021

When Experts Studied This Van Gogh Painting, They Found A Surprising Secret Hidden In The Detail.

Vincent Van Gogh Your Career in 2021