Every year for over 20 years a small group of friends and I have been getting together around the Christmas Holiday.

I started the tradition after the birth of my first child.  I wanted to make sure that, even though the cadence of our lives was changing, we would make time to stay connected at least once a year so get pedicures, eat great food, open gifts, play cards and take in the holiday decorations.

A new tradition was started.

This year is different. Not everyone is comfortable getting together.

As I was thinking about the real possibility of not meeting for the first time in 22 years, I actually felt a bit of relief.  This time of year is busy enough already.

I see my friends consistently now so I don’t feel the same pull as I did when I had just had a baby and our lives were all going in different directions.

Maybe this tradition had run its course?

A New Tradition of New Traditions

I embrace traditions.

I love having things I can count on, like my mom’s stuffing at Thanksgiving or bowling on my birthday.

Thinking about changing how we have been doing things brings on a feeling of sadness. Yet there was also that relief.

This got me wondering:

Is anyone else feeling the relief of being able to end traditions?  Do Covid-19 and quarantine give us the perfect chance to graciously say goodbye to old traditions and start some new ones?

My family has a new tradition of Zoom dinners.

We are not geographically located in the same area and these Zoom dinners have brought us together more frequently than when we used the holidays to get together.  I hope that this continues even after this pandemic settles down.

At work, things have changed significantly as well.  More Zoom calls for sure.   I am going out to events less which means less fuss with getting dressed up which I cannot say I miss.

I would love to hear if you have some traditions you are happy to let go of and if you have new traditions that you hope will continue even after Covid-19 has passed.


Is Covid-19 Putting An End To Traditions?

Is Covid-19 Putting An End To Traditions?


Impractical Jokers: Zoom Dinner Party –
Spaghetti and Busting Balls

