I recently read an article in Oprah Magazine (the one with Breonna Taylor on it – the only cover in the magazines’ history that did not feature Oprah) about Gabriel Dawe.

Gabriel grew up in Mexico City and when he was young spent a lot of time in markets looking at hand-woven cloth and watching his grandmother teach his sister embroidery.

He wanted to learn embroidery too, but this was culturally taboo. Men did not do such things.

So, he became a graphic designer.   After 6 years and in the midst of a career stall he went back to school and got his master’s in fine arts. During that time, he had a residency that looked at using textiles within architecture.

This led to his idea of covering a wall in thread.

Full circle. 

What Brought Me to Tears

I have read many stories of people who took one career path and then by choice or circumstance, they reconnect with a childhood talent or thwarted dream and enter a new career that fills them with such joy and often, beyond their own expectations, supports their lifestyle.  Gusher moments for me.

My tears are not of sadness when I read Gabriel’s story.

They are tears of longing to stay connected to my authentic self and to the work I meant to do.

They are tears of gentle reminder that possibility is not limited and that it is never too late to follow your heart’s desire.

They are tears of celebration for someone who followed that divine spark and did what their soul called them to do.

What were your thwarted childhood dreams? What talents lay dormant?

Try This:

Step 1:  Spend 30 minutes writing down all your passions, interests and talents.

Go all the way back to when you were 9 and made $14 for Ronald McDonald Charities organizing a neighborhood carnival (ok that was me).

You get where I’m going. What did you do for fun?  Were you the organizer? Were you always in a tree fort reading? Did you never sit still?

Step 2:  Dissect your activities. What skills did you use? What was fun? Why?

Step 3:  Read through the list.

What variations of these childhood passions are you using in your career now?

If you could use more of your childhood passions today what would that career look like?

Don’t let cultural stereotypes or scarcity thinking or simple life stuff get in the way of pursuing your dreams.

We could all be crying happy tears over your article in Oprah this time next year!


Careers That Bring Me to Tears

Gabriel Dawe – Architecting with Thread

Careers That Bring Me to Tears