Why Diversity and Inclusion Matter For Your Business

Why Diversity and Inclusion Matter For Your Business

Welcome to BELONG. We’re here to give you ideas and insights into creating a culture of inclusion and belongingness at your company.

What do we bring to this discussion?   You may remember us as The Laso Corporation.    While we continue to support companies like yours with our top-notch recruiting services we have rebranded as InspiHER Tech.  Our mission is to elevate the careers of women in technology and support companies to create a clear path of inclusion for all.  InspiHER Tech offers recruitment services for ALL and corporate programs in support of ALL – women in IT, corporate HR leaders, and male allies.  If you value building an inclusive and equitable work culture you are in the right place.  You belong.

What’s in it for you? Our support for company leaders like you includes education, motivation and real-life examples to help you empower women to move into the ranks of IT, thrive, become leaders and empower other women to do the same.  Your company will be more innovative, more productive and more profitable as a result.

Each month we’ll cover topics in brief as you move forward on the path to equity and inclusion for women in IT. We’ll also provide links to thought-leadership articles, stories about companies and individuals wrestling with the same issues as you, and include questions and interactive features that invite you to be part of the conversation.

Thanks for reading!

Why Diversity and Inclusion Matter For Your Business

CEO | Founder of InspiHER Tech, a Laso Company

P.S Please share your thoughts on what we could cover that would most help YOU.  Email me at [email protected]But first, we suggest you . . .


Why Diversity and Inclusion Matter For Your Business

Why Diversity & Inclusion Matter to Your Business?

“A commitment to diversity is truly the gift that keeps on giving.”—Rebecca Henderson, CEO, Randstad Sourceright

What are the most significant gifts you can give your company by creating an inclusive culture for women in IT? Here are three with the greatest impact:

  An improved bottom line

The research shows some powerful metrics:

A January 2018 study by McKinsey & Company found that in 2017 companies in the top quartile for gender diversity in their executive teams outperformed their competitors in profitability by 21%.

A recent study by the Boston Consulting Group found that companies with more diverse management teams have 19% higher revenue.

  An increase in innovation

The BCG study related the jump in revenue to an increase in innovation. Diverse and inclusive teams listen to different ideas and consider multiple angles to both problems and solutions.

This diverse collaboration can lead to new initiatives that provide better business outcomes. As  Marita Mitschein, writing in Digitalist Magazine in August 2018, comments:

“Building and fostering a diversity and inclusion strategy that is truly lived in an organization is a catalyst for success and a foundation for innovation.” 

  An engaged work culture that elevates everyone

The global women’s workplace advocate Catalyst found that “the more included employees felt, the more they reported engaging in team citizenship behaviors—going above and beyond  . . . to help other team members.”

Employees—and prospective employees—who see company leadership taking concrete steps toward diversity and inclusion start to believe that these steps will directly impact them and how they will be treated. The result is a powerful sense spreading throughout the overall culture of every employee being valued and included.

What’s the next step?

An inclusive work culture for women in IT doesn’t happen overnight, but it does come when you believe in the benefits and pursue change. We’re on your side, and we’d love to help.Schedule a Time to Talk


Why Diversity and Inclusion Matter For Your Business


AI is hot, but when diversity is overlooked it can get embarrassing.  [WSJ]

And yes, there’s “responsible AI” that reduces bias in employment decisions.  [SSRN]

Here’s more info on the link between gender diversity and the bottom line. [HR Dive]

Look who is “turning the talk about diversity and inclusion into action.” [Built In Chicago]


Why Diversity and Inclusion Matter For Your Business


“Those banks which have a significant number of women on their board are stronger . . .  and are less risky. Interesting, isn’t it?”

Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund Managing Director, from an interview with Marketplace’s Kai Ryssdal.