
True Nature Negotiation Session

zz* Career Coaching Programs

Negotiation Coaching Leads

to Confident Negotiation Skills

True Nature Negotiation Session

Nothing stands between you and what you want. You just have to know the secrets to asking.

Asking for things is not easy. Think promotion, the job of your dreams, more money or more days off. Even asking for a discount on that chipped vase you love might make your heart beat faster.

When it comes to your career, pivotal conversations determine outcomes.

  • Higher Salary
  • More Perks
  • Promotion
  • New Job Opportunities

Kick doubt and fear to the curb. Work with Laurie, a certified negotiation coach. She will help you craft a crazy successful negotiation strategy. It’s all grounded in her core belief that our True Nature is our inner guide to outer results.

True Nature Negotiation is easy and affordable


  • 75-minute phone or video call with certified Negotiation Coach Laurie Swanson
  • Outline your negotiation “wish list”
  • Prioritize your points
  • Craft your negotiation “pitch” based on the value you bring
  • Practice potential conversations and outcomes
  • Outline the negotiation strategy and follow-up email

The Ask-for-Anything Negotiation Session reframes negotiation from a place of integrity. This is where you feel whole, complete and true. Negotiate with energy and confidence.

Total Investment $427

Meet Laurie, Negotiation Coach, Career Sherpa and Champion of Women in Tech

True Nature Negotiation is led by InspiHER Tech founder and CEO Laurie Swanson.  Laurie is an AAUW-trained Negotiation Coach. She will guide you with a 1-on-1 session for a healthy, results-driven negotiation exchange.

Laurie started her career as a coder. As a recruiter, she has successfully placed hundreds, if not thousands, of people in tech jobs. She also publishes a weekly blog exclusively for Women in Tech. Laurie’s true north is to elevate and accelerate the careers of Women in Tech and tech-adjacent jobs so companies #HireMoreWomenInTech. She is a certified coach, workplace inclusion expert and champion of people.

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Total Investment $427

Remove self-limiting doubts and “own” your achievements when negotiating for a raise, promotion, new job offer or career plan.