Emotional Intelligence Corporate Program

Emotional Intelligence at Work:  Build Inclusive Teams 

Bring your team together in an interactive workshop on Emotional Intelligence 2.0, based on the bestselling book by Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves.  InspiHER Tech founder Laurie Swanson uses interactive exercises, video and open discussion for powerful learning and sharing.

Why Emotional Intelligence (EQ)?: A high EQ empowers individuals to communicate better, reduce stress, defuse conflicts, improve relationships, empathize with others, and become a high performing member of your organization.

The good news…while your IQ is essentially fixed, a person can improve their EQ throughout their lifetime creating a more satisfying career and life.

Your takeaways:

  • Understand EQ basics
  • Recognize the 4 pillars of emotional intelligence
  • Learn EQ tactics to use right away at work and home
  • Explore unconscious bias and why it obstructs innovation
  • Learn why inclusive teams are high-performance teams

Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes

Investment: $1250

Email Laurie to schedule