
Posts filed under: Career Blog

Career Blog

Why Is Committing to Career Change So Hard? I love Starbucks. I love my neighborhood store in particular. I love going through the drive-thru and ordering my regular drink and they say, โ€œLaurie, donโ€™t you want coconut milk?โ€. Yes, I...
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The One and Only Way to Change Past Career Regrets I was working with a coaching client and after the third time I heard them say, โ€œIf only I had not pursued that major. I wish I would have gone...
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Empty Nester? Time for a Career Reset? I remember one typical, same old, same old day walking out of my bedroom and past my kidsโ€™ bedrooms when I started to cry. The energy felt different in our home now that...
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3 Steps to Having Career Decisions That Flow You may already know this, but the Chicago river runs in the opposite direction than originally intended. WHAT THEโ€ฆ In the mid-late 1800โ€™s Chicago was starting to become the metropolis it is...
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How to Get Noticed in Your Career Can I be frank? I help a lot of women with their careers and job search. While every person has a unique career journey and their own dreams and desires they would like...
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I was listening to a recent interview on NPR with Emma Stone. She was talking about getting her big break with the Superbad movie. She had done countless auditions for movies and TV pilots and not landed a gig. I...
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During my meditation the other morning an airplane โ€œflew across my mindโ€ and I knew in an instant the message it was wanting to deliver. The journey is the destination. In my 2+ decades of helping women during their job...
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This is a blog about a relationship break up. Not directly about career or job search yet totally about career and job search and, specifically, imposter syndrome. The phrase of the day- โ€œI feel like a fraud.โ€ I haven’t totaled...
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This poem reminds me of me. It reminds me of you. Our journeys to careers and lives we love. Where we are connecting authentically with others, making a difference, having fun and creating financial prosperity. We are now willing to...
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I am coming up on my sobriety anniversary on the Monday after Super Bowl Sunday. This year that would be Monday, February 12th. If you have ever tried to change a bad habit, especially one as insidious as addiction, you...
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