Just in case you have never visited an escape room let me describe it to you.

You and your friends are โ€œlockedโ€ inside a themed room or rooms likeย Haunted Submarineย orย Zombie Apocalypse. You work together to find clues, solve riddles and complete puzzles before your time runs out.

The premise is that once you enter your chosen room you cannot escape unless you solve the case.

But, of course, you know you can always walk back out the door you entered through no worries.

You always have an escape hatch.

How having an escape hatch in your career is keeping you stuck

One of the things I notice when coaching people who are up against hard situations like having toย find a new job, having toย release an under-performing employee, orย building a pipelineย of future customers or connections, is that they will have often make sure theyย have an escape hatchย โ€ฆ

  • I can always pull on my 401k or open up another credit card.

  • I will just give my underperformer non-critical work.

  • I can always pause my search and restart in spring, when the economy improves, when I feel more motivatedโ€ฆ

I am not saying to not have a backup plan. Iโ€™m not saying donโ€™t ask for help.

I am sayingย IMAGINEย you do not have a backup plan.

Then ask yourself, โ€œWithout my escape hatch, how might this change my daily thoughts and actions?โ€™

Things you might do if you did not have an escape hatch

  • Apply to 5 more jobs before shutting the laptop.

  • Block off 30 minutes on your calendarย afterย the hard conversation to just be.

  • Go to 2 more networking events a month.

  • Reach out to 7 more people on LinkedIn every day.

  • Post articles more often.

  • Hire a coach to keep you moving forward instead of looking for an escape.

  • Never open up credit card applications EVER.

What if you stopped thinking of the escape hatch and started acting like there was no way out except forward?

The difference between people who stay stuck and those who break through often isnโ€™t talent, luck, or even experienceโ€”itโ€™s commitment. When you remove the escape hatch, you create urgency, clarity, and momentum.

So today, try this: Imagine thereโ€™s no way out but through.

What would you do differently? Now go do it.

Reply to this post. I would love to know what your escape hatches are and your strategies to close them.


Stay InspiHER’d,

How Your Career Escape Hatch is Keeping You Stuck


How Your Career Escape Hatch is Keeping You Stuck