In the category of TMI I am going to fess up to something that started out as being a bit embarrassing but eventually became one of my better life lessons.

I recently traveled to Toronto to take part in a workshop led by two people I highly admire, Martha Beck and Elizabeth Gilbert.

It is a short flight, just 1 hour and 10 minutes. I had booked my tickets way in advance and was sitting in my beloved 8F. Window seat near the front. I love watching everything that is happening outside the plane from the baggage getting loaded, to take off, to watching Chicago disappear, to flying above clouds and spying miniature houses to landing.

About 30 minutes from landing, I realized I had to go to the bathroom. It was not horrible so I decided I would just wait it out. Then I REALLY had to go. I looked at the two people sitting in the middle and aisle seats and thought, โ€œI hate to make them get up. I will just sit here feeling very uncomfortable and breathe.โ€

Right before landing, the pilot comes on and says, โ€œFor some reason they put us in the furthest gate so it will be 15-20 minutes to taxi there.โ€


We finally arrived. I leave as quickly as I can only to find out that we are 20 minutes from customs and there is not 1 bathroom between the gate and customs.

Needless to say, by the time I got to customs I made a beeline to the bathroom where I ended up changing out of my undies and pants and putting on clean ones from my carryon.

Yep, I had (slightly but still) piddled my pants.

I was frustrated with myself but grateful I had a change of clothes in my carryon.

I thought that would be the end of it until the seminar on Saturday.

๐Ÿ’ฃTruth Bomb from Toronto

Within the first hour of the seminar Elizabeth Gilbert dropped a truth bomb that hit me right in my, well, bladder.

โ€œDonโ€™t get married just because you donโ€™t want to hurt someoneโ€™s feelings.โ€

She could have just as easily said, โ€œDonโ€™t piddle your pants just because you donโ€™t want to inconvenience the people in the seats next to youโ€.

You might think, โ€œOf course, Donโ€™t do thatโ€.

Yet women do this all the time. We have been taught to be agreeable and put othersโ€™ needs before our own since early childhood. We learned it at such a young age that we believe we were born having to do this.

This is where people-pleasing comes from.

This is where over-committing and then feeling like we have let everyone, especially ourselves, down began.

This is why burnout and imposter syndrome are on the rise.

We do not know what we really like, what we really want to do, or what makes us happy.

We have become disconnected from our authentic self and our True Nature.

And we donโ€™t want to inconvenience 2 strangers on a plane.

In Career Alchemy Academy we reconnect with who we are meant to be.

We learn how to set better boundaries.

Instead of pretending we are a-okay with carrying the invisible workload we stand up for ourselves.

We ask for help, in fact, we demand it if needed.

We are genuine. Solid. Confident.

We are the women we were born to be, living the lives we are meant to live.

Without apology.

Join me in Career Alchemy Academy, stand up for what you want and maybe you will never piddle in your pants again!

Learn more here!

Our first call is just days away so do not wait.


Stay inspiHERโ€™d,

Stop People Pleasing
Stop People Pleasing