Recently overheard:ย โ€œI just donโ€™t feel confident that I have what it takes to get the job I want. I feel invisible.โ€

Wanting to build confidence andย defeat imposter syndromeย is a common theme I hear from my clients.

Like me, I know you have seen many articles, books, and webinar events teaching girls and women how to build confidence. Building confidence can be especially challenging for women working in male-dominated fields like technology where the work culture can be toxic.

The bro-culture is alive and kicking, yโ€™all.

And this does not help in building a belief in ourselves, our experience, and the market.

But there is good news!

Forget aboutย trying to change toxic work culture and all the other external circumstances that feel out of your control.

Forget thinkingย that you do not have what it takes or that there isnโ€™t a place for you.

Forget believingย you have to get more education, over-hustle at your job or leave your authentic self at home.


๐Ÿ‘นย There is only 1 thing you need to do to Slay the Imposter Syndrome Monster โ€ฆ Build Your Career Belief Triad.

The Career Belief Triad is a simple yet powerful tool because it is somethingย you always have available to you.ย It is when you decide to believe in yourself, your skills, and the market despite evidence to the contrary.


The Career Belief Triad is made up of:

Side 1. Belief in you.ย Hear me now, you have what it takes to achieve yourย Big Career Dream. Your belief in yourself is the foundation. When you do not believe in yourself, you hold yourself back often because you do not want to experience disappointment or are afraid of making a mistake. When you do this,ย you are limiting your dreams and settling only for what feels realistic.


Rather than fearing disappointment or failure,ย accept that it is part of the human experience and push forward despite of it. You will have disappointment and failure in your career. When you accept this, it is much easier toย embrace your Big Career Dreamย and believe inย your ability to achieve them. ย You know that when things donโ€™t go as planned, outcomes feel uncertain, or the evidence that things are working is hidden from view, you will still push forward. You trust that you have what it takes to succeed. ย You are confident in YOU!


Side 2.ย Belief in your Gifts, Abilities, Skills.ย The second side of theย Career Belief Triadย is an essential component of career success. Believing in your ability to achieve yourย Big Career Dreamย with the gifts, abilities, and skills you have right now.ย You lack nothing!ย ย Add the fact that you see future successes and setbacks as opportunities for your continued enables you to take bolder actions, serve at a higher level through your work, and be more willing to take risks. You show up more powerfully for yourself and others.

You have the confidenceย that you have what it takes to do what is required or you will figure it out. Simple as that!


Side 3. Belief in the market.ย Finally, the 3rdย aspect of theย Career Belief Triadย is your belief in the market and that you are in demand in any market. Believing that companies still hire in any market is powerful. Trusting that companies see your value and have a desire to hire or promote you, helps you confidently pursue opportunities. Many of us fail to go after ourย Big Career Dreamย because we doubt that there is a demand for our Gifts, Skills, and Abilities.

We think we need to change something about ourselves or our experience to be โ€œmarket-readyโ€. This doubt in the market leads to self-sabotage.

Instead of deciding to believe in ourselves, our skills, and the market we decide to create the reality that the market is no good and that we are not in demand right now. We engage in limiting self-talk. We search for evidence that the market is bad. Companies are not hiring. We look for ways to prove why we wonโ€™t be able to achieve ourย Big Career Dream.ย We stop connecting with others and finding ways to raise our visibility on our job search or within our organizations.

Believing in the market and your demand is key to showing up confidently day in and day out. This belief gives you the energy necessary to show up for yourself and your Big Career Dream every day. This belief will attract the opportunities, people, and resources you need to help you achieve your Big Career Dream.


The Career Belief Triad is a mindset tool that slays monsters!ย ๐Ÿ‘น

Building belief in yourself, your skills, and the market isย key to overcoming imposter syndrome,ย slaying the Fraud Complex Monster, and confidently going after yourย Big Career Dream. ย Choose to align your mindset with the Career Belief Triad. ย When you do this, you will attract more opportunities, create more demand, and continue to strengthen your belief in every part of the Career Belief Triad for life. ย 


This is where Big Career Dreams thrive!

Stay inspiHERโ€™d,

How To Create Belief in You, Your Tech Career, and the Tech Market
P. S.ย Career Alchemy Academyย is coming.ย Our first Kick-off call is Tuesday, Oct 29th at Noon. You can stillย join the waitlistย to become aย Founding Alchemist.ย The doors to sign up will be happening any day so look for the announcement email in your inbox soon!