I was recently listening to my new podcast obsession, The Huberman Lab. Andrew Huberman’s guest was Dr. Layne Norton. Dr. Norton has his Ph.D in Nutrition and, according to the show, is considered one of the world’s top experts in nutrition and training for physical fitness.

During this 4-hour podcast (yes, 4 hours!) they covered a wide variety of topics. The one that captured my attention was about the placebo effect. Dr. Layne spoke of a double-blind, placebo-controlled study where the participant’s positive results were not based on what pills they had been given but on what they had been told they were given.

What is the placebo effect?

According to the internet, the placebo effect works by triggering the brain’s natural painkillers (endorphins), altering neurotransmitter levels (like dopamine), and engaging psychological factors like expectation and belief.

Two studies I read about using placebos had interesting results:

1) In a pain relief study published in The Lancet, participants who received a placebo reported a 30-40% reduction in pain levels, similar to those who received actual pain relief medication.

2) A study published in the British Medical Journal investigated the effects of open-label placebos (where patients knew they were taking a placebo) on IBS symptoms. Even knowing they were taking a placebo, around 60% of patients reported significant improvement in their symptoms.

The placebo effect demonstrates how closely the mind and body are connected and supports what I always talk about … the importance of choosing and believing thoughts that support the outcomes you desire.

How to use the Placebo Effect to Unleash your Superpowers

Under your feelings of self-doubt, thoughts of overwhelm, and belief that you don’t know what to do or have the skills to accomplish what you want lies your creative, curious, passionate, confident authentic self.

The self that has gifts it was born with and skills and abilities that it has developed.

The self that has things it enjoys doing and that come easily.

The self that has things that tug at its heart and calls it forward.

These are your Career Superpowers.

These are the things that are authentically connected to what you are meant to be doing in the world.

Your form of service.

When you let self-doubt, anxiousness, confusion, and limiting thoughts predominate, your Superpowers and your mission are kept hidden from the world.

But not anymore.

I have a simple yet effective way to … Unleash Your Career Superpowers!

How to Use the Placebo Effect to Unleash Your Career Superpowers

Every day when you take your vitamins (and if you don’t take vitamins, this is going to motivate you to start) imagine that it contains the ingredients necessary to unleash your Superpowers.

Imagine that as you take the pill your genes are being transmuted. They no longer carry self-doubt, anxiousness, confusion, and limiting thoughts.

Your authentic self is now leading with your gifts, skills, abilities, and interests.

Whatever your superpowers are, they are now shining for all to see.

  • Your creativity.
  • Your calm center.
  • Your ability to present ideas.
  • Your humor.
  • Your natural leadership presence.
  • Your strong technical skills.

Every day you take your vitamins you will notice you are feeling more confident walking into meetings.

You are comfortable in uncomfortable situations.

You say no without guilt.

You get more clarity on your purpose every day.

By unleashing your Career Superpowers, you are now able to make the difference and have the impact you are meant to have in this lifetime.

Whatever your form of service is in the world, you have always had the Superpowers necessary to make it happen.

Now it is time to invoke the placebo effect, choose to believe in your Superpowers and then use them for good!

Join Career Alchemy Academy, unleash your Superpowers, and align your authentic self with the work you are meant to be doing in the world.