Are you ready to set aside all you have been taught about working hard, paying your dues, and climbing the ladder?

Are you ready to have more fun, feel more energized and free, and make the money you desire doing work you love?

If you answered yes, then step into the world of quantum physics with me.

I have been down the rabbit hole of quantum physics for some time now. I got into it when I first watched the movie “What the BLEEP Do We Know!?” years ago.

I still am not sure I fully understand the Quantum Physics concepts but after investigating the idea from many sources and angles, I have come up with my 3 simple principles of quantum that make sense to me.

Though this may not be scientifically accurate and complete, what I do know is that by choosing to believe in these 3 Simple Principles I have reduced over-hustling and created more space, ease, and fun in my career and life.

These principles have helped me to trust in the idea that what I yearn for is possible, available, and patiently waiting for me to choose to manifest it in the physical world!

In case you would also like more energy, prosperity, fun, and freedom in your life here are the 3 principles. You are welcome!

3 simple quantum physics principles to uplevel your career

Principle #1: Everything is possible – Your career dream already exists for you. Your dream schedule, dream salary, and dream work exist in quantum.

Your desired career is sitting there amongst all other possibilities waiting for you to choose it.

You are currently on a career path that once was only a possibility until you put your attention to it. If you love it, great. Keep choosing it.

But, if you yearn for something different, then step into the quantum field and choose differently.

Imagine your future self – the one that is already living your career dream. What are they thinking? What are they feeling? What are they doing? Then begin to change your thoughts to line up with those thoughts. Choose to feel like your future self is feeling. Take the actions you know your future self has taken. Your dream career is waking up in the quantum and coming to life because you choose it.

Principle #2: Everything is connected Your belief in the reality of your career dream sends ripples out into the world. Things begin to take shape, come together, build, and move towards you. All the resources, connections, open doors, and opportunities begin to present themselves. You chose this career possibility and now proof is coming to you. Connections to connections to connections. You are connected to all you need to take the next step in your dream career. It is done!

Principle #3: Everything is balanced – In the quantum field, everything is neutral. There are no right and wrong choices. Good and bad experiences do not exist. Nothing is labeled or judged. Your choices and actions have an equal and opposite effect, creating harmony at all times and in all ways. Everything is perfectly balanced in the quantum so that there is never any lack, imperfection, or mistake.

Now that you know your career dream already exists in the quantum field and you cannot get anything wrong, what’s next?

It’s time to reach out and pick up your career dream from the field of possible career dreams.

Simply say “That career! That is what I yearn to be doing”.

By doing this, you have just ignited the ripple effect, and the connections begin to spark.

Watch for signs and pay attention to coincidences and synchronicities.

Get a nudge, follow it.

You get to create more energy, freedom, fun, and prosperity simply by deciding that is what you want because everything is possible, everything is connected, and everything is balanced in the quantum field!

Stay inspiHER’d,

How To Use Quantum Physics to Create More Fun, Energy, Freedom, and Prosperity In Your Career
P.S. First Step this week: Sign up for a discovery call with me!

P.P.S. Second Step this week: Join the Career Alchemy Waitlist HERE.