My stepdad has been sending me, my mom, and my daughter a link to a game site. Every morning we race to see who can play the fastest game of “Spot the Difference”. (

In this game, there are two pictures side-by-side and you need to find the 10 differences between the two pictures as fast as you can.

For example, there will be two almost identical pictures of a lake surrounded by trees with picnic tables and birds flying above the lake.

Then you notice that in one picture there are two picnic tables and in the other picture there are 3.

Circle the difference.

In one picture someone is in a canoe on the lake and in the other picture the same person is in a kayak.

Circle the difference.

In one picture a bird has two wings and in the other, the bird only has one.

Circle the difference.

In the spirit of summer fun …

Let’s play Spot the Difference In Your Career.

Step One: Get two pieces of paper. On one sheet draw a picture of everything that is happening in your career right now. Write it down:

  • Managing a team
  • In meetings X hours a day
  • Making X amount of money
  • Leading a global, multi-million-dollar project
  • Interviewing for a new team member
  • Looking for a new job
  • Hiring a coach
  • Taking a class for your MBA

Step Two: On the other sheet of paper put down all the things, if you were in your ideal career, that would be in that picture:

  • Taking classes for your MBA
  • Leading a team
  • Running your own business
  • One meeting a day
  • Writing a book
  • Going part-time
  • Coaching with Laurie
  • Working remotely
  • Making X amount of money

Step Three: Now, play Spot the Differences. Notice which things are the same in each “photo” and where the differences are. Circle the differences.

Maybe the differences between a kayak and a canoe do not seem so bad to you.

But, if one of the birds are missing a wing, that could be a sign that things are off-kilter, or you may need to be preparing for a crash landing.

This game is meant to bring awareness to where you are at and what you would like to create differently for yourself and your career.

Can you spot 1 thing that you can begin to move towards or eliminate from your current career that will remove the difference between where you are and where you want to be?

Have an inspiHER’d career,

How to Spot the Difference Between Your Current Career and Your Ideal Career
Would you like some help spotting the differences and making changes to your career picture? Let’s get on the call today! Schedule a Discovery Session.